Mr. Rawlings, ex-soldier, a man of no mercy, no compassion, a power-drunker, is now begging for his own “LIFE” at long last. Today Ghana?s Goliath, (Mr. Rawlings) is now crying out for his life and protection whiles he seems to have forgotting those Sons, Daughters and Fathers whom he brutally murdered and sprinkled their blood on the Ghanaian soil which has now become a Curse on us.
Mr. Rawlings, what about the lives of these:? General. Ignatius Kutu Achiampong, Gen. Awasi Amankwa Afrifa, colonel Roger Felli, Gen. Utuka, Gen.Robert Kotei, Gen. Frederick W.K Akuffo.
What about: Justice K.A Agyapong, Cecelia Koranteng Addow, Mr. Poku Sarkodie and retired Major Acquah and many others?. He should remember the following:
“THE STICK THAT WAS USED TO HIT MR. BAAH, WILL BE USED TO HIT MR. TAKYI” one day. This Adage should be in memory of any future leader.
This should be the true message to the J.J. Rawlings, rather than he accusing and pointing fingers at innocent people. His mouth spoke lies, his fingers with iniquity, and his hands defiled with blood, he conceived mischief and brought forth iniquity. His iniquity has separated him from God fearing Ghanaians.
The self proclaimed Junior Jesus, “Messiah” the most powerful man in Ghana who is said to be stronger than “HITLER” of Germany is now said to be accusing the Togolese Authorities for alleged training of killers, and conspirators for the exclusive purpose of assassinating Jerry Rawlings. This is a FALACY and should be condemned.
It is said in a press interview on Thursday 17 October that, Victor Smith, the special aid said that Rawlings had received information about a plot by assassins who are allegedly receiving training in a secret camp inside Togolese territory to kill him. According to the special aid the conspirators who are said to have had set up a secret camp in neighbouring Togo to receive training in order to assassinate of Rawlings are also sympathisers of the present government of Ghana.
The media reports alleged that the information of the plot came to the office of the former President on Wednesday from an intelligence source in Canada. The special aide alleged that former President Rawlings has the names of the alleged assassins but was not prepared to reveal them to the press. If this is true, he should be bold as he claims to be, to publish the names of those enemies rather than such bluff. Ghanaians will not allow themselves to be fooled again unless they want to be fooled. He should come out and tell the whole world who his perpetrators are.
It is only a low-minded person who will believe in such political propaganda. What shall the present Ghana government likewise Togolese government gain from assassinating him?. Shall it be that he is a threat to piece in Ghana or in Togo? Is it because there is no “MAN” besides Rawlings in Ghana that can rule the nation and as such his assassination will pave way perhaps for those tiny politicians who wants to mislead the nation? This is absolute nonsense.
Fellow countrymen, for your information, Rawlings is adapting this strategy just to create political awareness and distraction for the fear that he might be killed by the same people he maltreated in the Army during his reign. Secondly, he is creating unfounded allegation just to have self protection under his popular “INDEMNITY CLAUSE” which is designed to protect his iniquity against mankind.
This Clause 34 (2) of the Indemnity Clause of the Transitional Provisions, which provides protection for act or omission during the administration of PNDC, which says, “It is not lawful for any court or tribunal to entertain any action or take decision or make any order or grant any remedy or relief in any proceedings instituted against the Government of Ghana whether before or after the coming into force of this Constitution or against any person persons acting in concert or individual to assist or bring about the change in government which took place on February 24, 1996, January 13, 1992, June 4, 1979 and December 31, 1981 in respect of nay act or omission.”
It was established that in a sharp reaction to the allegations, Togo’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Panou, said that Togo has no knowledge of any secret camp set up inside its territory ostensibly to offer training for the sole mission of killing the former Ghanaian head of state. He emphasised that Togo has no quarrel with the former Ghanaian head of state, and does not stand to benefit or appropriate any political gains from the assassination of Rawlings or any other individual from any ECOWAS member state.
Minister Panou recalled that when former President Rawlings was in power his government was accused of several attempts to destabilise the Togo government but Togo did not retaliate. This might be the reason why Rawlings may be afraid of any retaliation. He said that now that he is out of power, there is no apparent need for Togo to seek to eliminate him adding that, “Flt. Lt. Jerry John Rawlings is not a threat to Togo in anyway. Minister Panou therefore appealed to Rawlings to endeavour to furnish the Togolese government with all intelligence information in his possession concerning the existence of the alleged secret camp in Togo. He said this will enable the country’s competent security agencies to carry out “thorough investigations into the allegations.”
Ghana’s Ambassador to Togo, Mr. Kwabena Mensa-Bonsu, said there is no iota of truth in the allegations because there is no evidence that such an imagined training camp really exists in Togo.
Let someone out there tell Rawlings that, his Blood will serve no purpose for Ghanaians, but may be for those whom he killed or offended during his regime.
A soldier who claims himself to be sole redeemer and the strongest man in Ghana is now crying for his life. What a pity. The same person who shut his eyes and ears from hearing the cry for mercy when killing innocent military, civilians and beating women on the street, is now begging for his soul. Let someone out there tell Rawlings that Ghanaians are God fearing people and they dont need his “BLOOD”. We need only JUSTICE at all cost.
The BLOOD of those whom he killed and tortured is hunting him. The Spirit of those whom he kill will follow him in his dreams and wherever he goes until JUSTICE is done. There is no way he can escape JUSTICE no mater how long it takes.
Mr. Rawlings, you have no evidence about your imagination. Let us know the names and purpose of those who wants to kill you.
Mr. Rawlings, NPP government does not need your BlOOD. You will have to pay your own price to those whom you owe.
NPP government shall be compelled to call for JUSTICE to be done or else they themselves will have to pay for the price of “INJUSTICE” one day.
May the Almighty God redeem Ghanaians from future scrupulous leaders.
Ghana Social Democrats
West Germany.

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