Opinions of Monday, 9 January 2012

Columnist: Fui, Mawuli

Reflections on President Mills Government

Friends, comrades and fellow

Akatamansonians, I had a dream last night-that exactly a year from today Sunday 7th January 2013 - His Excellency President John Evans Atta Mills would be re elected by the good people of Ghana and sworn into office for the second time as the President of the Republic of Ghana

President Mills on assumption of office in 2009 set out his government's vision of creating a Better Ghana through transformed economy, creating opportunities for a better life for all Ghanaians.

Although over the last three years of this administration, there continue to be political and economic challenges, the NDC government's vision and broad policy framework had defined the economic and political land scape of this country, which had seen one of the most rapid turnaround in economic development in sub Saharan West Africa.

Through prudent macro economic and fiscal management of our economy, Ghana recorded a GDP growth rate of 13.6 %, an unprecedented economic growth rate ever recorded in the history of this country. Inflation rate stands at 8.56% compared to 18.1 % inherited from the previous NPP regime in 2008. Currently, Monetary Policy Rate is 12.5% compared to 18% inherited by the NDC government in 2008. Our foreign reserves have increased from mere $1.2billion in 2008 to $4.98 billion in less than three years.

The NDC government's commitment and determination to transforming the Ghana' weak economy into a viable and buoyant economy has seen one of the best sectorial developments projects in the country. Agricultural production over the last three years has seen a composite increase of about 20%. We have seen increase in agric production through increased subsidy on fertiliser, increase agric mechanisation, rehabilitation of abandoned irrigation projects and block farming. On Education, government has eliminated over 1260 out of 5200 schools under trees through the provision of 6 unit classroom blocks, capitation grant has been increased by 50%, 1.6 million school children in deprived communities have benefited from free school uniform project introduced by this government, over 42 million exercise books have been distributed to all school children in the country. One laptop per child project is ongoing. Teachers are being motivated in different ways through increase salary and allowances.

Government has fully paid the enormous debt at TOR which it inherited in 2008 and has set about to provide stability in energy and electricity production in the country. Minimum wages has been increased by 20%. Almost all public sector workers have been migrated on to the Single Salary Spine to promote equity in the administration of public sector pay. Government has created the opportunities for job creation.

The NDC government under His Excellency Professor John Evans Atta Mills has embarked on numerous social interventions programmes such as road building, water and sanitation, environmental and health infrastructure to stimulate continuous economic growth and development.

In December 2012, Ghanaian will be given the opportunity to go to the polls to re elect His Excellency President John Mills and his administration for a second term to complete the Better Ghana Agenda programmes. The honest truth however is that -this is not going to be an easy elections-as the bible says in Ephesians 6:12 : " For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" we must therefore remain PRAYERFUL, work hard and relentlessly to secure second term.A word of advice however to quote former President Kufuor is "it is better to be a messenger in an incumbent party than a general secretary in an opposition party". Mawuli Fui Kwadzoviamawu2li@yahoo.com(0242348448)
