Opinions of Friday, 3 November 2017

Columnist: Alhassan Bawah

Rejoinder: Why Avoke and five others are CLEAN in the UEW Case.

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It is clear that the author of the above piece of 'shit', is worse than useless, hence the reason why they fail to acknowledge authoring it. I will encourage such authors, including one Ziga, Victor K. Owusu (who for almost 8 months now cannot still get my name right), to see UEW Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) levels 200 and 300 students for some lessons on Public Procurement in Ghana.

The simple answer to all the chaff spewed out by Ziga and the above scared-faced author is that, there is a Law in Ghana called the Public Procurement Act (PPA) 2003 (Act 663), as amended.

The 1992 Constitution and Act 663, makes no provision that a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) takes precedence over either of them.

That MoU can at best be described as a sham or facade put in place by 'crooks' as a cunning device to siphon public funds for private gain.

I personally feel sorry for the students the likes of Ziga and Ms Shine Agbevivi are teaching. Such 'ignorant and incompetent' lot, parading as a lecturers?

Procedures for the appointment of a Vice Chancellor of a public university, do not require the support of the President of a Regional House of Chiefs. Ms Shine Agbevivi couldn't even get 'President of a Regional House of Chiefs' right. And she is a lecturer? What a shame!

Just to educate such ignorant bunch a little before I up the game, appeals from the Regional Houses of Chiefs goes straight to the Supreme Court (the High Court and Court of Appeal are bypassed). This is 'obiter dictum'.

You lot are struggling to keep pace with the 'common' son of a peasant farmer, 'eno be so'? This is the reality, not voodoo or wishful writings!

Ms Shine Agbevivi of Basic Education Department should be ready to explain the unsubstantiated allegations she made in her vicious social media post. She and her cronies will have to throw more light on their accusations against some discerning citizens of Ghana.

If the God fearing more than qualified Catholic Priest, currently Acting as the VC of UEW, wants the substantive VC job after the case is disposed off, it will be a formality. Just as he didn't have to pull strings to meet the President of the Republic before being appointed to act, so shall it be with the substantive appointment.

Ziga and Co. should know that all the contracts in contention did not go through Competitive Tender as stipulated under Act 663, so there are no records of such contracts at the Public Procurement Authority.

They were awarded by some voodoo priests to their 'looting brigade comrades', under the cover of darkness, who myopically believed that their voodoo was the answer to every problem and threat encountered.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, their voodoo failed them woefully, hence, the expose of their nefarious activities at UEW!

They should make time and see the Catholic Priest (Biblical format) or the son of a peasant farmer (Quranic format) for deliverance from their satanic and evil practices.

Why is Prof. Avoke and his blind followers, not explaining the mysterious circumstances surrounding the award of 4 contracts valued at over Ghc 500,000,000.00 in a single day to SPAKXXX Ltd? A former Speaker of Parliament during the NDC reign is behind SPAKXXX. Even those who "can't think far" can tie the loose ends here.

Can 'innocent' Prof. Avoke explain why he was ordering payment of millions of Ghana Cedis to SPAKXXX, even when there was no justifiable legal basis?

Can 'innocent' Prof. Avoke explain how 8 Toyota Double Cabin Pick-Ups were procured for UEW? Can he tell reasonable Ghanaians how his official Mercedes Benz Car was purchased?

Am 'optimistic' that Prof. Avoke and his Finance Officer (his Finance Officer because none of the actions of the FO were in the interest of UEW), would be able to produce the relevant documents to EOCO to justify their award of contracts from 1st October 2015 when Prof. Avoke became VC of UEW, to prove that he and the Five Others are innocent.

Until Prof. Avoke provides documentary proof to EOCO in respect of the above and several other questionable acts that he superintended over, he and the Five others are NOT clean in the UEW Case!

At the appropriate time, Prof. Asabere-Ameyaw would be hauled before the investigative bodies. The long arm of the law will rope every party to those dubious deals in.

The case started with 2 Principal Officers, now 4 others have been roped in. More will follow suit, so no cause for alarm. Slow is the process!

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of a peasant farmer)