Opinions of Friday, 13 December 2019

Columnist: Abdallah Ali-Nakyea, Esq.

Rejoinder to false publication in respect to the late RSM Ali Nakyea

The family has disputed claims that their beloved was abandoned at the 37 Military Hospital The family has disputed claims that their beloved was abandoned at the 37 Military Hospital

I, on behalf of the Ali Nakyea Family, write this rejoinder to correct a palpable falsehood about RSM Ali Nakyea (of blessed memory) by Mr. John Kamassah, reported by your columnist Mr. Gordon Offin-Amaniampong on your website on Wednesday, December 11, 2019.

The falsehood complained of is found in the paragraph quoted below:
“I have seen the horrible death of soldiers in Burma camp. The first was RSM Ali Nakyea. This soldier is very wicked and has no soul. The atrocities he committed is (sic) numerous to just here. (sic). He fell sick and admitted at 37 military hospital. He spend (sic) about a year and a half and he could not be cured if (sic) his illness. He was realised (sic) to his home at Burma camp and he die (sic) a slow and painful death. Believe me this man house bungalow (sic) became a tourist site. His wife and children had all left him and he was alone. He became mentally unstable.”

I am inclined to believe Mr. Kamassah obviously did not know RSM Ali Nakyea, hence the need for me, on behalf of the Ali Nakyea Family to set the records straight.

RSM Ali Nakyea passed on to eternity two clear years (in 1977) before the 1979 so-called revolution. In 1977, RSM Ali Nakyea checked into the 37 Military Hospital from the 6 Battalion of Infantry, Kamina Barracks, Tamale where he lived with his family. It was a Friday, 19 August, 1977 and he passed on the third day after admission, 22 August, 1977. Thus, for Mr. Kamassah to say RSM Ali Nakyea was admitted in the hospital for one year, his family deserted him and he got mad before passing on is preposterous. More so, RSM Ali Nakyea was based in Kamina Barracks in Tamale so which home of his in Burma Camp did he die a slow and painful death, Mr. Kamassah? Which house bungalow became a tourist site, and one may ask how much revenue was raised from tourists?

I believe those of us who know the facts and history of RSM Ali Nakyea would treat this false narrative of Mr. Kamassah with the contempt it deserves. This is because the facts just do not add up, and I believe most soldiers from the 6 Battalion of Infantry as well as other units of the Ghana Army will confirm what I am saying. Anyone reading the portion of Mr. Kamassah’s narrative of RSM Ali Nakyea will dispute it.

I am inclined to doubt if Mr. Kamassah was a soldier, hence wondering where, when and how he came into contact with RSM Ali Nakyea. The RSM Ali Nakyea most people know and the family knows made his name and mark which no one can tarnish, as it is a hard-won reputation. Thus, as long as some of us, who are his children and others who knew him, are alive, we shall always set the records straight to protect his name, image and hard-won reputation. May his soul continue to rest in perfect peace and may Allah grant him aljannah firdaus. Aameen.