Opinions of Thursday, 26 November 2015

Columnist: Dr Think Twice

Respect the child or continue to suffer as a continent

The Chief Executive Officer of Think Twice Foundation Ghana (NGO) Mr. Ernest Birmeh aka Dr. Think Twice, is urging every Ghanaian and perhaps the whole of Africa to begin as a matter of urgency, to respect children.

There is clear evidence that, respect for (Kids) has been a major issue which must be addressed immediately if we want the continent to develop. Though a little bit improved, it’s still a major concern that must be looked at. We live in a society which thinks, the elders are always right. Intimidation by elders has been a recycling effect. Age, has always been used to do this. Sometimes we think they don’t have anything to offer, except the elderly.

The worst, negatively affecting child development, are misinterpretation of the religious books which has great negative impact on them. ‘Train up the child the way he should grow so that, he does not depart from it, spare the rod and spoil the child’ and others have been taken lightly; Thereby, increasing child abuse by many in the society.

What should even be the method or approach? Is it beating and shouting as it has been applied on almost every child in this country? Or taking time to explain things to them. Everyone in this country is born and trained.

Our leaders are never coming from the moon, the sky or ground. Society should sit back and access the method or approach used in training kids. Has it really helped the continent?

How come, we have succeeded in breeding many corruptible humans, inefficient brain users, which become difficult for us to tap our numerous resources? We struggle to do almost everything? How come those we claim were not given better training abroad come to our aid, all the time? It’s time, we emphasized on respect for children for a better continent.

Seriously, waiting for a national debate, with all stakeholders and opinion leaders for the betterment of the country.
