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Opinions of Thursday, 18 July 2024

Columnist: Godson Bill Ocloo

Rising Youth Agitation: Emerging security threats in Kenya and across Africa

Godson Bill Ocloo, the writer Godson Bill Ocloo, the writer

The African continent, brimming with youthful energy and potential, is seeing disturbing trends of growing youth unrest. This rising agitation among young people is emerging as a significant security threat, posing complex challenges for nations such as Kenya and reverberating across Africa. Understanding the underlying causes and crafting effective responses are crucial steps toward safeguarding the continent's future.

Unpacking the Roots of Youth Agitation:

The discontent among Africa's youth is driven by a myriad of factors, intricately linked to socio-economic and political disparities. High unemployment rates, inadequate educational opportunities, and limited access to resources form the crux of these grievances. In Kenya, for instance, the youth unemployment rate is alarmingly high, leaving many young people feeling disenfranchised and hopeless about their future prospects.

Compounding these issues are pervasive corruption and governance challenges. When the youth witness inequities and systemic corruption, their faith in political and economic systems erodes, leading to disillusionment and unrest. Additionally, rapid urbanization and technological advancements contrast starkly with the slow pace of socio-economic reforms, further igniting frustrations.

The Security Implications:

Youth agitation manifests in various forms, from peaceful protests to more violent expressions such as riots, vandalism, and even insurgency. In Kenya, urban centers like Nairobi have periodically been flashpoints for youth-led demonstrations, which occasionally escalate into violent clashes with law enforcement agencies. The absence of constructive channels for youths to express their grievances exacerbates these situations, creating fertile ground for exploitation by extremist groups and criminal networks.

Across the continent, the rise in youth unrest contributes to broader security concerns. In regions plagued by instability, disaffected young people are particularly vulnerable to radicalization by militant groups. For instance, Boko Haram in Nigeria and Al-Shabaab in Somalia actively recruit from the disenfranchised youth populations, using promises of purpose and financial incentives to lure them into their folds.

Strategic Responses to Mitigate Youth Agitation:

Addressing the rising youth agitation requires a multi-faceted approach that combines immediate security measures with long-term socio-economic strategies. Governments and stakeholders must work collaboratively to craft holistic solutions that address both the symptoms and root causes of youth unrest.

Economic Empowerment:

Job Creation: Investing in sectors with high employment potential, such as agriculture, technology, and manufacturing, can significantly reduce youth unemployment.

Entrepreneurship: Facilitating access to credit, training, and markets for young entrepreneurs fosters economic self-reliance and innovation.

Educational Reform:

Skills Development: Aligning educational curricula with market demands ensures that young people are equipped with relevant and employable skills.

Access to Quality Education: Ensuring equitable access to education across urban and rural areas is critical.

Governance and Accountability:

Anti-Corruption Measures: Strengthening institutions to combat corruption can restore faith in governance and justice systems.

Youth Participation: Creating platforms for meaningful youth participation in decision-making processes fosters a sense of belonging and agency.

Community Engagement:

Dialogue and Mediation: Establishing frameworks for dialogue between youth and authorities can help address grievances before they escalate.

Mentorship Programs: Connecting young people with mentors who can guide them through personal and professional challenges can have a stabilizing effect.

The Role of Technology:

Technology, when harnessed positively, can be a powerful tool in addressing youth agitation. Digital platforms can provide young people with educational resources, job opportunities, and avenues for entrepreneurship. Social media, while sometimes a catalyst for unrest, can also be used to foster community and dialogue, promote constructive engagement, and spread awareness of civic responsibilities.


The rising youth agitation in Kenya and across the African continent underscores the need for proactive and inclusive solutions. Addressing the underlying causes of youth discontent requires a blend of immediate action and long-term planning. By prioritizing economic empowerment, educational reforms, good governance, and community engagement, African nations can transform the challenge of youth unrest into an opportunity for growth and development. The youthful energy that currently fuels agitation can, with the right support, be redirected towards building a more resilient, equitable, and prosperous continent of ours.