Opinions of Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Columnist: Edward Kofi Obeng

Save your advice for Otabil: A Pentecoster tells Manasseh

Manasseh Azure Manasseh Azure

Any person who doesn’t pause a bit to watch his/her shadow while dancing in the sun believes they are the wisest, most skillful and admired by the audience, little do they know that the audiences may unusually have developed a dislike for their steps and style.

Such people never find out until the music stops. I dare say Manasseh Awuni is a replica of such dump dancers. Even if you wink at them that the audience have lost interest in their dance, their mantra is they must just disgrace themselves.

He is a journalist, he wrote good articles and news stories, he won an award in 2011 as Best Journalist of the year and since then he has become swollen headed. He assumes himself now as the bastion of knowledge and a special adviser to every public figure, he has advised Ex-Presidents J.J. Rawlings, J.A. Kufuor, Prof. J.E. Atta Mills of blessed memory, John Dramani Mahama and now H. E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo the man whose commitment to fighting the waste menace has urged the Church of Pentecost to support him which has warranted your nonsense of advice to the man of God.

Do not bring a tag between the IGCC and the COP because you can’t stand it. Next time you want to sell your folder know where to direct it to, I don’t know about the actions the church and Apostle Nyamekye will take but as for me, I won’t sit down and watch you bring the name of my unblemished men of God, former Chairman Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah and Apostle Eric Kwabena Nyamekye to disrepute. They are godly, they are pure and they are sacrosanct, they are not selfish and money seeking men of God. Just sh.. next time you dream of coming this way. It appears there is no elder in your house, we will help train you how to respect people of such calibre. “Anuofia”

Isn’t it laughable that you (Manasseh) have all these pieces of advice under your shelves but did not advice your Pastor and God Father Dr. Mensah Otabil to manage as Chairman of the Board and a shareholder of the Capital Bank well in order not for it to be consolidated?

You should concentrate on your pastor’s court case about financial misappropriation and help him prepare messages for us his audiences than picking at people whose decisions have never been questioned. Nobody has requested your opinion from the church please.

You want the Church of Pentecost and its Chairman, and the gifted business and professionals men fellowship to throw their member away because some toddling milk eater has sat somewhere and written a piece of baloney? Oh really.

You need counsel from your mother whom you have so disrespected to bring it this far with your public arrogance, impudence and disrespect. How stupid else could you have been to advise our Chairman? Do you know the brains that have put the environmental care campaign program and you this embryo will direct who the church should not partner with or not?

What is your single contribution including your church and pastor to helping the President achieve his vision of a clean Ghana? Just forever remain silent for I will come heavily upon you and your so-called preferences.

Instead pf you to be telling Ghanaians your personal contribution as a citizen to help address the sanitation problem. All you know is to cast aspersions, suspicions, allegations and blatant lies to have Elder Agyepong’s image tarnish?

Even your mother needs your stupid advice not Rev. Kwabena Nyamekye.

“Nyamesom ama nipa asesa” Anka wob3 hunu!