Opinions of Friday, 3 October 2014

Columnist: Adzokpe, Jonathan

Scholars up to revolutionise teaching and learning

Over the years, education has been so mechanical, theoretical, and hectic. It's the reasonmany teachers are unmotivated to teach, and students are tired of studying. To a teacher,the job of teaching is a labour. They would have to do the manual routine of writing notes onthe board for students to copy, mark exercises with their usual red pens, and giveassignments which are rarely assessed.

On the part of students, there's absolutely nothing inspiring about the learning experience.They go through the hustle of copying notes, buying handouts often at very exorbitantprices, and delivering of assignments that are barely assessed. But this mustn't be thecase especially in today's technological advancement. There's so much breakthrough intechnology that it's almost unforgivable for teachers to keep teaching with the traditionalmethods of teaching.

But there's help here for students, and teachers alike. The newest e­learning platform is notonly here to revolutionise teaching and learning, but to connect students and teachers fromall over the world on a single platform. ScholarsUp combines simplicity, user­friendliness,and the need for connection to present the world with a better choice for teaching andlearning.

The e­learning platform was launched on Wednesday, September 17, 2014, and hashundreds of subscribers from around the world. Whether you're in Mankessim, Nkoranza,Wa, Bole, Ouagadougou, Cape Town, New York, Oslo, or wherever, you can sign up to thisnovel e­learning platform and connect with other students.

Teaching and learning aren't meant to be boring. They are meant to be fun and full ofcreativity. ScholarsUp is the newest e­learning platform to provide you with the perfect mixof connection, learning, and effective teaching.

Sign up to ScholarsUp by logging on to www.scholarsup.com. It's easy and takes just aminute or less. Let's hook up, and study and teach to change the world. It's ScholarsUp!Jonathan Adzokpe is the author of The Realities of Life After School. It's a book written to give every student and graduate a feel of what the real world looks like after school, what to do to manage life's uncertainties, the tools needed to take advantage of opportunities out there, and how best to position oneself for take-off.It is available in hard copy in major bookshops in Ghana and on Amazon in soft copy on 1st September, 2014.
