Opinions of Thursday, 15 August 2013

Columnist: Arthur, A. K.

Sir John Don’t Listen To Arthur Kennedy

As a medical doctor the best thing Arthur Kennedy can do is to diagnose diseases and prescribe medication, but when it comes to matter of legality he is a dumb ass illiterate and a dunce.

Sir John has made serious irreparable contemptuous comments against the Supreme Court Judges hearing the 2012 presidential election petition and has been hauled to the court to answer why he should not be committed to prison, and you Arthur Kennedy tell him that he should be firm when he appears before the court on charges of contempt.

The man (Sir John) is now a walking ghost, afraid of being incarcerated, and you (Arthur K.) with your medical knowledge tell him that he must go to the court fully prepared to argue his case out. What case can Sir John argue out? What Sir John said against the Supreme Court Justices is loud and clear on radio and in print and you tell him to go to the court and not apologize. Arthur Kennedy has proven that he doesn’t like Sir John and he is just pushing him to go and “fool” like how Ken Kuranchie did so that the court will put him in jail.

Any well wishing person who wants the good of Sir John would not give such infantile advice to him.

Arthur Kennedy, if you are a man with two strong balls between your thighs why don’t you make a contemptuous statement against the Supreme Court Judges and when you are summoned go there to argue you case out. It is not a secret that you hate Sir John and you would never wish him well, otherwise you would have given him such foolish advice.

Sir John, please, don’t listen to Arthur Kennedy, he doesn’t like you.

By A. K. Arthur
