Ministers get off your back- sides and take the fight to the opposition, be proud of your achievements. The party seems to be spending all its energies and efforts in electing officials and Presidential candidates. FM stations have turned themselves into kingmakers asking stupid questions and party officials falling for it. Ministers and Senior Party officials seem to have forgotten that there is a country to run, mouths to feed, jobs to be created, hospitals to build, roads to be tarred, schools to be revamped hopes to be realized and a President to support.
At our last East of England Structural Fund Group (SFSG) meeting held on 11th October 2005 at the, Leopold Hotel, Brussels the group had a presentation on the economic, financial and feel good impact on London hosting the 2012 Olympic Games in July. On the whole the assessment was favorable. However, our group decided that the East of England Development Agency must commission a study into the Economic Impact of London 2012 on the East of England. The study will inform the development of a Strategy to support the East of England maximizing the economic benefits of the Games.
I await any Ministry in Ghana initiating a study that will highlight the economic impact of Ghana qualifying for the World Cup or hosting the Africa games.
European Parliament
On a visit to the European Parliament and a presentation from one of the officers from the Commission I was asked by my colleagues on the group and other European MEP?s from the East of England to respond, and comment (wearing my African hat) on. the new EU strategy towards Africa sponsored by Louis Michel, the Commissioner for development and Humanitarian affairs. (On how the additional 10 billion euro per year in EU aid to Africa should be spent).Louis Michel has advocated that
1. The EU funds trans ? African road, rail and rail networks, in order to attract investment
2. Aid should be used to help Africa dramatically increase its share of world trade, which now stands at 2%
3. Efforts against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria and to improve health and educational facilities and access to water should be strengthen
4. An exchange programme for Africans and European projects called Erasmus ? Nyerere (after Julius Nyerere).
5. Satellite technology should be used to help address environmental degradation in Africa and
6. EU scientific research is tailored to help increase access to vital medicines as well as to increase energy generation by renewable sources.
My response.
My response and comments was direct, straight to the point and bullish. It was my opportunity to blow the trumpet of the NPP Government and other progressive regimes in Africa. I argued that I was in complete agreement with the ?Michel Plan? as we cannot develop as a continent unless we act more efficiently in several areas
I spend about 20 minutes using Ghana under Kufuor as a case study ? a truly deserving case of aid.
It will surprise the book long people that I began my bullish commentary on my country with simple ABC of economics. Although I was addressing a very intelligent audience who understood every bit of book long ?macro- economics? issues they were interested in the simple things of life.1 Cocoa Industry ? Under the NPP Government cocoa production has reached the highest ever tonnage -700,000tons providing a good income for the rural poor
2 For the first time in our history primary education is free leading to an increase enrollment of poor children. This will greatly increase the literacy rate in our country leading to a more skilled and literate workforce.
3 Korle Bu our premier hospital under the auspices of Prof Kwabena Frimpong Boateng has been transformed ? for the first time in our history children born prematurely have a chance to survive.
4 The National Health Service probably the first in Africa is on its way to become a reality
5 The Government has embarked on a major house building programme which will lead to middle income Ghanaians able to afford a roof over their heads
6 The railway network is in the process of being overhauled and completely revamped leading to safe forms of transportation for the rural poor
7 The energy sector has been liberalized leading to high prices but a much more secure and stable form of pricing
8 Our communication network is next to none in sub-Sahara Africa, every Ghanaian will attest to that fact
9 Food is abundant on the markets and our rural farmers are getting a fair price for their produce although they deserve more.
10 Pipe borne water is being slowly targeted at the rural poor.
This was the gist of my response to the Euro MEP?s, they loved it - our country, and your country had a wonderful clap from my colleagues on the SFSG. The icing on the cake was when I tackled the ?big picture?.
Friends, I am extremely proud of the achievements s of this NPP Government under President Kufuor. It is high time Ministers and Party Functionaries get off their backside and speak out. So many Ministers are letting this President down. They are downright lazy, unperforming and simple past the sell by date.
Icing on the Cake ?Ghana the Big Picture.
1 Our country is one of the few countries in the sub- continent which has been classed as a white country- no one can claim asylum under Kufuor?s Ghana
2 We have possibly one of the freest press in the world
3 Ghana was one of the few countries selected by the G8 to benefit from debt Cancellation
4 Ghana was one of the first countries to have qualified access to the first tranche of the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) set up by President Bush. I did lobby the first Chief Executive (Mr. Applegarth) during his first meeting to promote the MCA in Brussels
5 The cedi appreciated in real terms by 8.7% against the dollar/sterling and euro
6 Our annual inflation rate is on the downward trend
7 Our gross international reserves stood at a record high at the end of Februar2005equivalent to 3.7 months of imports when the NPP came to power it was nil.
World Cup
Under this President the Black Stars have qualified for the World Cup and the feel good factor will add another 1-2% on to our GDP.
Feted by G8
President Kufuor is the toast of the G8 s countries seen and recognized as a statesman and a democratic leader.
Oh yes we have gone thorough some hard times which has been well documented in the local and international media. I did not mention that to the Euro MEP?s as my role on that day was unashamedly to blow the trumpet of my country and its leader ? I make no apologies for that.
Support your Commander in Chief ? Troops.
I have had enough of Ministers, Party officials, Government appointees, lazying about not blowing the trumpet of the party and their leader. I have had enough of Ministers putting forward half-baked proposals that bring the Government into disrepute.
Ministers get off your back- sides and take the fight to the opposition, be proud of your achievements. The party seems to be spending all its energies and efforts in electing officials and Presidential candidates. FM stations have turned themselves into kingmakers asking stupid questions and party officials falling for it. Ministers and Senior Party officials seem to have forgotten that there is a country to run, mouths to feed, jobs to be created, hospitals to build, roads to be tarred, schools to be revamped and hopes to be realized.
The people elected Kofi Agyekum Kufuor to fulfill their hopes, aspirations and dreams. They had waited for a very long time. Mr. President the time is up for re-shuffle. Weed some out.