Opinions of Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Columnist: David Quaye

The 2022 FIFA World Cup: The sun will rise again; so you need to try again

Argentina are the new world champions Argentina are the new world champions

All too soon, the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar has ended. A lot of frenzy moments, shocking exits, beautiful scenes, memorable goals and, of course, an unexpected final which met all expectations – including winning the hearts of non-football lovers. But the question is, aside from the trolls, what life lessons have you picked from the tournament?

Here's my favourite lesson:

Someone's major win can be your most significant breakthrough - if you're not so self-centred.

The whole Argentine team wanted Messi to win this. So though it wasn't a stroll in the park, the group was more than resolved to see it happen. The greater good, however, is that, albeit Messi has stolen the headlines, every other player will eat a slice of the main cake - recognition. Yes, every single player, including the goalkeeper (who nobody imagined will be discussed).

The heartbreaks in football teach a lot about life. You win some and lose some. That doesn't mean you're awful. It means it just didn't work on that occasion. France won this cup a few years ago; today, they lost it. They scored three concrete goals (great efforts) yet didn't win the ultimate. The same scenario surrounds Argentina. 2014 they were in the finals and lost the 3rd in 2018, then winners in 2022. Quite a journey, don't you agree?

There's nothing wrong with putting in your "maximum efforts" and failing at that one thing. Go again! Failing has a funny feeling. It gets you questioning your worth. Why on earth did this go wrong? I did all I had to do. Why did this guy/lady do the same, and it worked, but mine didn't? I mean, how? Is that how unfair God or the universe is?

However, the truth is that you always need to keep your head above water, even when glaring failures seem to be drowning you. So, at your lowest point, never give in to not trying again.

Trust God. Go again! Messi had to wait for this moment. He retired from international football when he lost some time ago, in 2016. Just four years ago! Today, he's back and has lifted the coveted trophy, which many assert has completed his football journey. He was encouraged to come back and fight for it. He did. And today, the universe harmonized his win. He worked for this. He deserves it.

But there's something worthy of note. Life's not entirely an "individual race". It would help if you indeed had someone (people) who would be there for you. Willing to sacrifice for you. Keen to remind you of your strengths when you've lost your mind.

Messi had great guys around him. The Argentine coach, Lionel Scaloni, was a key figure in encouraging Messi to return to the national team. He had great teammates like De Paul, who many call his "bodyguard". The question is, "Who's there for you?" Money can't buy such people.

So as you go about this day, excited about the trolls of the football game, do not escape from reality; it teaches us about life.

Your current circumstances do not define you. You always have a chance to change the tide. It's within your reach. Go for it. Smile over that rejection email. Smile over the failed paper. Smile over that unemployment woes. And keep your head up! The sun will rise again. You need to TRY AGAIN!