Opinions of Saturday, 3 June 2006

Columnist: Bolus, Mercy Adede

The Basic Amenities every community must consider !

 Museum, Libraries, Community Centres are essential for people to relive the history of our fore father?s achievement within a community.

 A time for families to reflect on any family member and write short history so that it could attached to the a well framed photo of a deceased relative for presentation at their local Museum

 Any artefacts or unwanted old fashion piece of furniture could also to present to depict a way of living in the past.

 Clothing such as wedding dress, shoes, any ornaments that could be presented to represent a person might be useful. Display what Ghana classify as traditonal dressing in the past until now.

 The youth of the 1930 used to have ball room dancing and we need to display such photos in galleries to show our civilisation. Ghana have gone through the years as being the richest nation in Africa on it own rights to being the poorest nations needing prop up known as loans and aids. A riches to rags syndrome.. Sadly, gradually went backwards from the 1960 ---- to abject poverty. Many people in the Western society would find this hard to believe Ghana had everything once

 Stories books or stories worshops could be organised by chosen people in the museum , or could be made to live on audio tapes, video, etc

 Certain presentations may need to be boxed in glass cupboard or show rooms.

 The start of communication with the arrival of cable and wireless etc and how others channel vital messages.

 Others form of communication networking within different the communities in the past could be displayed.

 Development of proper sanitation the introduction of toilets in the past until now.

 Bathrooms from public baths for the entire community, compound bathroom shared in one compound house to individualistic baths.

 Display of cleaning material used for example broom, which varies between Region to region but from basic material used until present stage.

 Display fishing methids within each community and catches made and the basic tools used until present day.

 Introducation of the poll tax and the consequences in the 1950?s. Is there any history written about this?

 Wild game, hunting etc which animals are culled and which considered as scared.? .

 Some of our traditions may appear rigid but they had a place for law and order within the communioty taking for example the rules and pratice of the fetish priest.

 Conservation clauses built into the fetish priest rituals and the significace of the laws to a community. It appear some of such laws were obeying the laws of the land and giving respect to the maker.

 Did out the slavery element of some of the practices and the suffering of some etc if appropriate.

 Art and craft, which depicts a community true identity, could be show e.g. someone in the Volta region weaving kente, or the eastern way of cooking, The North or the West. Things to remind customers to the museum to relate or connect where people come from.

 Move from the olden days with every home using grinding stone , to until the invention of the blender

 Our traditional way of sitting on stool and still traditional practice in Royal homes

 Meaning of the pouring of libation in the Volta region, East, West and the North A post card could be sold selling the meaning of each libation. People would like to know this to understand why we are different from any other African.

 Show what Ghanaians used as toilet paper until this day. E.g. corn pop. Newspaper etc. this could be display with a short explanation.

 Beginning of the wearing of pants from beads and a small cloth to the present age of wearing trendy pants.

 Our lighting system where did we start from?needs to be shown for people to connect our development with theirs.

 How Ghanaian school children where educated in the past 1900 and work it until now. In some areas nothing has changed in others a significant change. Encourage children to wear our school uniforms we used in the past as a workshop to experience our past. A charge of $2 could be charge to contribute toward the paying of actors for the workshops. Also do run any workshop on a similar project i.e. kente weaving, basket weaving etc. $2 for a one hour session each person. Summer hut could be used to provide these facilities.

 Display ancestors who went to the U.S.A to study and returned home to contributed to our developed of education.

 Our agricultural techniques and progress made so far.

 Have a souvenir shop within the grounds of the museum to sell any momentum; the various idioms used within each region, tribe in a booklet pocket size.

 Have a cafeteria to sell coffee, tea, scones, etc.

 Show the process of building using mud, one as the start of the building and the other the finished mud building. This needs to be done inside the museum on a very small scale though.

 Sell photos of the Methodist Church at Palladium and other foreign influence building, most of our castles. If you have one in your region flaunt it. Any old building of churches, shrines, etc.

 Display the use of Ghanaian languages in little books (pocket size) about the formation of languages i.e. a shoe in the Ga language is the same, as a shoe in the Portuguese language as well as fork in the Ewe language is the same as the Portuguese.

 Our way of writing in the 1900 and proof of these needs to be displayed.

 Papa meaning father is rather by the elite in the western world as well as and Mama meaning mother etc

 Provide areas within the grounds of the Museum for visitors to have a cup of coffee and drinks.

 Engage the children in treasure trails and have play grounds seesaws and integrate a practicable garden to reveal the beauty of our tropical plants and trees with the grounds of the museum

 Big out all the old kitchen cabinet everyone used in the 1900 etc.

 Display all the different variety of coal pot and how we have been innovative in designing our own gas stove.

 Nothing is primitive, as anything is art.

 Beauty after all is in the eyes of the beholder.

 Display of door mat etc.

 Display of baskets and others, banku stick, pot, coolers, fan (papa) anything we used in the past.

 Presentation is crucial and it would be best for a community to get someone with a creative eye to help out in the presentation of items.

 Funeral celebrations is unique in Ghana though too expensive. If there are photo of the celebrations of such occasion of people and the process of our morning it could be displayed in the museum. Display some few sample of coffins in the museum

 This experience would introduce our way of live to the world as many countries have a narrow perspective of the African way of living.

 Corn milling process and others need to be displayed. Buy old corn miller and use in the museum.

 If there have scouting and brownies in any region please do show photos of that link.

 This might be an opportunity for people to show off their ancestors and their achievement to the world whether during the 1st and the 2nd World wars.etc.

 There is this wealth of history and knowledge just wasting away in our cupboard to be mined manipulated and cash in for development of local communities. Even charging just 20, 000cedis for each entry would be ample.

 Boarding schools are so common in Ghana and the preparation for student in the past to go to such school needs to be re- staged . At workshops.

 Display the trunk, chopbox, iron used in the 1900, etc. and photo of people in boarding school in 1900 etc.

 Development of secondary schools and the histories behind the schools.

 His time to dig out all the famous people who fought hard to establish secondary school etc. and give them the respect they are long due.

 These are just thoughts that came to one mind but do add on.

 Carrying water on head workshop could be created in a workshop . .People want to experince these things we call primitive and pay for the experinces..

 Remember that every city, town or village do have unsung heroes waiting to be discovered.

 Ghanaians must learn to remember anyone who has contributed to history.

 Libraries are vital and motivate locals to seek more about their local village or town.

 Community centre would unite the people of a local community to strategically plan for things that matters to them most and others.

 Tourist guides could do booked for the day for maybe $5- $20 depending of the extent of the tour perhaps. through the Museum at least there would be documentation of who is out with who. Tour guide could be paid at the end of the day by the Museum manager.

 All these amenities could ensure that a community becomes educated in the little things that really matters to their understanding with the world around them.

 If any community who do not have such amenities, it might be the time to club together to ask NGO?s Major companies operating within the Region and individuals to help out.

 If there is enough money generated create a water fountain within the town centre or a mini round about with flowers in the centre or a statue of a famous person with the community.

 What Ghanaians may need to consider is that a commnuity would only to happy to function when nearly most people have access to these amenities. Hence a peace prefect peace for all, bringing a healthy community into troubled Africa.

 Does your community have these basic facilities though? This is everyone?s responsibilty to make a difference for their community before they pass onto the next world..

 Our ancestors can?t wait to ask every Ghanaian this questions, for example did you do your bit while on planet earth?

 Would your answer be a Yes or No?.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.
