Opinions of Saturday, 26 December 2015

Columnist: Bombande, Emmanuel

The Corruption Canker: Part 1

Good day to you all comrades. I sincerely apologize for my long absence from this platform. Work and time has kept me very busy off – shore hence, my break. Anyway, I bring you greetings from Cambodia.
Folks, my attention has just been drawn to one or two statements some of the babies with sharp teeth are making in the media with reference to the controversial AMERI deal coupled with the re-branding of the metro mass transit buses.
Just like former president Kufour rightly put it. corruption has been with us since Adam-agreed. However, the rate at which it is increasing especially under the Mahama-led administration is what is tearing Ghanaians apart. A good number of policy think tanks have indicted Ghana as being corrupt. I have also listened to many government commentators, especially some of the babies with sharp teeth specifically, Omane Boamah, Felix Ofosu Kwakye and the likes trying to downplay the findings.
Dear readers, even if I don’t know anything at all, at least I know that the late president Mills set up a committee to investigate vice president Mahama, now full time president of the republic of Ghana concerning the purchase of some aircrafts for the Ghana arm forces.
The question I’m asking is, if he could involve himself in a corruptible deal as a vice president, what then will he not do now that he is the BOSS? I need answers from Felix and Omane.
I blame the drafters of the 1992 constitution for making that provision that has given us no other option than to impose on ourselves a corrupt and highly incompetent president ever in the history of Ghana.
Under the watch of our president, Ghana has spent millions of dollars in raising guinea fowls that took a flight to Burkina Faso with no returning ticket.
Our president gave birth to SADA and allocated millions of Ghana cedis in it in the name of bridging the gap between the North and the South and eventually channeled these monies into the pocket of some GURUS.
If the politician who has been entrusted with tax payers money is engaging in soo much corruption, if the police service that must arrest is the first on the index, if the judiciary that must endeavour that people found culpable are tried and if possible imprisoned and if the media that must help educate the general public on matters of corruption are deeply rooted in corruption, then the questions are:
1. Where are we going?
2. Who watches over the watchman?
I leave the above questions in the books of my lovely readers.
Our beloved country Ghana has suffered soo much in the Mahama - led administration as far this canker is concern. I humbly entreat all Ghanaians to remove their political lense and make the right choice come 2016.
God bless all my readers, God bless mother Ghana.
From the birds of the sky