Opinions of Wednesday, 4 May 2005

Columnist: Mr. CNN-Mensah

The Ethical Courage To Speak Or Not To Speak Up

Our country in Ghana is a comforting place for a peace of mind even though the economy, as many in Ghana put it "ayeden paa". Many Ghanaians in the diaspora who spend their vacations in Ghana can attest to this. It is not an exaggeration because some have testified that every time they go to Ghana and return to where they live, they feel relieved. The atmosphere gets so good that some do not want to return. But for the sake of their daily bread, they have to return. It is the African country south of the Sahara where democracy is considered to be at its peak. It is therefore unfortunate that not too many people in Ghana or many public officials can stand up to those who abuse public office for the sake of losing their daily bread.

The boldness to stand up and be heard is considered a betrayal and bringing your party or government down. If one is in business, he or she must have ties with those in the higher office for the sake of gaining contract. A pro government newspaper cannot be fair in their writing. They usually do not publish the real truth for the sake of disgracing the government. A journalist will be very careful in their reportage for fear that he or she might lose his/her daily bread. Even a minister who sees his fellow official abusing the higher office will keep it on a?hush" because he or she is probably doing the same thing. An example is the numerous allegations that have arisen of late; the Edumadze, A C Quaye and the disgraceful Anane Saga. Many people in their circles probably one way or the other knew what was going on but kept quiet because it would sound like he/she is betraying the party/government. .

Chronicle is my favorite newspaper because they have been proclaimed all over the world by the diasporans as being fair in their news reporting and not being afraid to expose those who abuse public office i.e. "Bambagate and now the Ananegate". That is why Ghanaians in the diaspora have the power to speak up and let their voices be heard. We do not need to kiss any public officials "behind". We elected them to office and we can take them out, just like that. We don't need to be afraid because we are not in the NLC/AFRC/PNDC era anymore where you would either be arrested, brutalized and humiliated for speaking your mind or standing up to the bad practices of those in the higher offices.

The fact that we don't live in Ghana does not mean we don't have a say. Our toils and monies have a say in the economy and without our sweat, many family members in Ghana would be in harder times.

We will support our president and his government as far as they are doing a great job and moving the economy in the right direction. We will offer him our daily prayers for God's wisdom and strength. This is because the people spoke through the ballot box and elected him to be our president. He swore an oath just as every official swore an oath to serve the people and not abusing the higher office.

If there are numerous allegations with evidence proving an abuse of office then people must not be afraid to speak against it. Appiah Ofori is my hero because he saw what was wrong and did not "nip it in the bud" as someone would put it. There are the likes of Appiah Ofori in the government but for the sake of losing their daily bread or their positions, they would not speak up but be quiet.

Hon. Ken Ohene Agyapong, MP for Assin North and a frequent contributor on Peace FM is a brave man. He speaks his mind even though some of his own people accuse him of betraying his party. He has received many insults and attacks because he is non partisan. He is a great supporter of NPP party but at the same time not afraid to keep his party in check. There should be checks and balances.

Hon. Agyapong, Hon. Appiah Ofori, and the Chronicle Newspaper should be commended for standing up to the malpractices of those in higher office.

Anyone who lives in America can attest that it is the land of opportunity and freedom for all; you can speak up your mind and not lose your daily bread or fall foul with the government. The same energy should be geared towards Ghana. All voices must be heard.

If we lose Ghana, there would be no place for us to go for a peace of mind so be courageous and stand up to the bad apples who are bringing our elected government to disrepute.

The president must appoint Appiah Ofori who would not be afraid to stand up and watch out for the president. The same thing goes to Kwabena A. Manu, a US based renowned Trade Unionist/Negotiator/Mediator in Westchester County Government who would do a better job to speak up his mind and serve his country with dignity.

The people aforementioned would perform their duties assigned to them using ethical means. Unearthing corrupt malpractices does not make one an enemy but a great mate for seeing mistakes and correcting them.

President Kufuor always encourages those in the diaspora to come and invest in Ghana. We appreciate that he recognizes the diasporans input and the same way diasporans voices must be heard so our dear mother Ghana is steered to a healthier prosperous and sound direction.

If you love our country, let your voice be heard, President Kufuor and former President Rawlings agree with me. Use Ghanaweb, to speak up and be heard. If speaking the truth makes you an enemy of the world in a democracy so be it.

Peace, happiness, Prosperity to our dear mother Ghana.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.
