Opinions of Thursday, 20 November 2014

Columnist: Bolus, Mercy Adede

The Failings of Parliament

During an election the general public are given a chance to make a decision about how the country should be run. This is why we have free and fair elections every four years and it is important to everyone in ensuring they are part of democracy through elections. Each person in each region in Ghana is eligible. This is their time to have the opportunity to vote new members of parliament into office with the promise to turn things around.

Voting for Political Parties

All candidates campaign tooth and nail throughout the country to get votes in their constituency. They all announce a set of policies to guide us when making decisions if they are elected. Some smaller parties join together with other major parties with similar focus.

Formation of The New Government

Although all parties fiercely compete against each other they chase the same goal to form a new Government. The main responsibility of a new Government is the running of a country with a strong leadership. This is why the aim of each political party is to win the general election so that they put their ideas and election promises into action. Each party strive to win most of the votes through the entire constituency in order to get the largest share of the seat in parliament.

Often what Political Parties fail to appreciate is that the challenge in not in the winning an election but whether the new Government have the capacity and capability run a country at all thus turning country’s economy apathy round.

This depends on the nature of the matrix of the party. Does the winning party have people on board ship with the right qualifications, wider experiences both abroad and internal that would enhance a Government department or just nice people. The leadership needs to ask them whether those newly elected Member of Parliament have the calibre having studied politics, developmental issues, social policy and conflict resolution plus other relevant areas thus guiding the general public to look for such qualities in the people they vote for. With this mix in the matrix the Government would be able to systematically and comprehensively address each major socio-economic issues of concerns more swiftly and effectively.

After an elections

After elections a winning a party is waking up to that it is their turn to form the next Government. This is the most daunting and the most challenging task newly President faces. They are just a novice and needing helping form the out going President. If the out going President is willing could help with the transiton and make it goes smoothly. As we reflect events from former President Kuffour Government the NPP woke up after being 20 years in opposition to form a Government. It took them almost two years for the news to sink in and to acknowledged is that winning is not about clapping hands and cheering to each other. Instead it is an opportunity of seizing the moment in following the ideas and plans sold to the electorate.

Often some newly MP’s think being in office means an opportunity to make a million dollars before they party leave office? This is what a strong leadership can challenge as soon as it gets into power and address these type of MPs taking a “No nonsense” approach to such MP’s and weed them out one by one.

Our Parliament has also a responsibility if a ruling government is failing to deliver election promises through lack of effective leadership or other. What role can Parliament play if the leadership is sluggish and the majority of MPs in the parliament are not themselves not fit for purpose supporting ideas and plans promised during elections? In short they appear to lose the focus of a party?

We must fight hard to select only selfless would to be MPs who seeks to make a significant for the all the vulnerable and destitute group of people in our country. Our economic stability at stake right now and sinking very fast needs to be rescued. I will also sign post readers to my recent article on published on 17/11/2014, which challenges the Government to tackle the inequalities that exist in our communities today. Changing attitude is every body’s business and not just the Government.