Opinions of Friday, 22 September 2023

Columnist: Abdul Rahman Odoi

The Gay Agenda: It's dividing the family, the church and the nation

The Gay Agenda, the book written by Dr. Ronnie W. Floyld The Gay Agenda, the book written by Dr. Ronnie W. Floyld

Sometimes when the clouds are formed, you’d notice from wherever you’re standing that the rain is pouring from a farther distance. It takes some seconds before you can feel the downpour at your end. ‘The Gay Agenda’ encapsulates this phenomenon: a disease from the West slowly inhibiting the minds of the sons and daughters of Africa.

Before Dr. Ronnie W. Floyld produced his book ‘The Gay Agenda’ in 2004, Mrs. Ruth was reviewing his husband, Billy Graham’s manuscript, “World Aflame” in 1965, when she put on record that: “If God doesn't come soon and bring judgment upon the United States, He's going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!" Count the gay proponents of today and compare it to the numbers of Sodom and, you’d appreciate her stands.

No two ways about that — it’s a bad omen raining from the dark clouds of the West and forcing its way onto the African soil. These days everything we’d read, everything we’d hear, everything we’d see, or even smell is nothing but sins of scenes from the perilous gay lifestyle.

The Gay Agenda has had its foundation laid some decades ago. ‘New York City’s Human Rights Law in 1986 was amended to prohibit against gays and lesbians, paving equal way for equal rights for jobs, housing, and education.’ Braschi v. Stahl Associates in 1989 is one example where the Supreme Court of New York concluded that same-sex partners qualify as ‘family’ because there was a proof of “committed relationship.’ In other words, do they mean that animals have biological rights to give birth to humans?

Homosexuality was unacceptable and abominable in all cultures. Lately, refusing the embrace of the gay lifestyle is ‘unacceptable’. Families, peoples, institutions, organizations, teams, communities, and at large, countries who stand firmly on their feet against being intoxicated by these odds (LGBTQIA+) are seen as outlaws and outlandish.

Whichever way it there’s no need to zigzag the boiling issue as some would often say gayism is genetic — to befool those who are unfortunately entangled in the act. Etta White in her unwavering opposition to the chicanery of gayism made this honest observation: “My point is, Homosexuality is an idea. You have never heard a doctor say, “Mr And Mrs. John Doe, you have a bouncing baby homosexual.” It’s an idea! Know this, and know the truth.

It’s high time eyes opened to the fact that gay advocates have surreptitiously declared war against our culture — their agenda is to collapse all the moral fiber of what was left to us by the Prophets and our ancestors. Are our hands tied up, or we are gagged like bulldogs — unable to fight and defend what’s morally and constitutionally right?

Their defiant ways of propagating the gay agenda are in manifolds. One is the use of contentious scholars to play a bad card. John Shelby, an infamous and happily radical Episcopal bishop, in his autobiography, ‘Here I Stand’, sighted a scholar who once mentored him, alluding to the fact that apostle Paul had been a repressed gay. Truthful lie embedded in a genuine mischief!

In the same vein, there are attempts to turn the tables over. Captured in the beginning pages of this book, was a conversation between an anonymous President of the United States berating and teasing the host of a conservative talk show who had taken an entrenched position on homosexuality being abominable. This President went ahead to tout other things the Bible did condone like slavery and wars. He subtly posited to the host that his Chief of Staff, Leo McGarry, wanted to work on the Sabbath. Should he go ahead and kill him since Exodus (35:2) suggests so?

Larry Madowo, a CNN International correspondent, similarly asked: “What would you do sir, if your son or daughter was gay?” Sam George, Member of Parliament for Ningo-Prampram Constituency, Ghana, in an interview, replied: “You’re asking me to go into the realms of abstract, I am a lawmaker and I deal with specifics. Well, thankfully I have two sons and a daughter and none of them is gay.”

Misinterpreting ‘love’ to the gullible minds to indoctrinate them. The main reason the gay community is growing is love; we are a people hungry for love. Children and students want to be accepted. Regardless of their filths (if that’s so), want to be valued. There’s a need to learn how to love things and those we may find unlovable. God loves us that’s why he gave us rules. He wants the best for His beloved.

Adultery, lust, and sexual perversion are presented by the entertainment industry as love, asserting that God ‘loves all’. Rev. Chip Aldridge, in 2001, invited some youngsters to speak on the issue of Open Hands: ‘Shaping an Inclusive Church,’ to claim and name their sexual preference. He asked questions like: “How can you really know if you’re gay” and “Can you still be a Christian if you’re queer”. Aldridge in his skirmishes emphatically stated: “God loves us queer folk, too!” That said, here is the truth, the Bible is emphatic about ‘love’: “And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands.” (2 John 1:6)

In literature, Micheal and Tonya Hartsell couldn’t believe it when they read about Prince Bertie, a character featured in a storybook, King & King, of their first-grade daughter. This prince who had had a tall list of beautiful princesses to choose from however declared: “I've never cared much for princesses.” Prince Bertie rather chose Prince Lee for marriage. The school principal, Elizabeth Miars, who should have known better, claimed that the book had been on the shelf for more than a year, and as such what one family may like other families won’t like.

Another strategy is normalizing the gay lifestyle by making gay couples common, not different from the natural norm. Once we get used to them, we would eventually ignore or accept them for it may seem as if they are like us, and we (anti-gay), like them.

We need to speak up and speak out unapologetically. Embolden to call a spade a spade, and refrain from saying that ‘I saw an a-tall-short-man-woman’, or I saw an a-girl-boy, to forestall the redefinition of who a man or woman is.

Families are losing loved ones to gayism; it’s severing ties. There are myriad reports of parents who wept thunderously after having seen their children transmogrified into other sex. Appearing on the Dr. Phil show, Gary whose son, Caitlyn Jenner, now a girl, said: “I'm just feeling a loss, like he's gone...I don't know how to take him as a girl. And it just seems like something went wrong somewhere."

According to USA Today, five of the major denominations in America are openly ordaining gay clergy and blessing same-sex unions. When Gene Robinson, an openly gay clergyman was elected as bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire, the Rev. Sandye Wilson of the Minnesota Diocese exclaimed to the New York Times: “It’s a great day for the church.” The church isn’t spared.

There are some gains the agenda is making — legal gains. In 1993, the Supreme Court ruled that barring same-sex couples from marrying may violate Hawaii’s constitutional ban on sex discrimination. Now they have a legal voice to even adopt a child after trying severally to biologically own one.

History is replete with the educational gains of the gay agenda in Cambridge Friends School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Children in the entire school, as young as five or six were made to celebrate Gay and Lesbian Day! Jeff, a teacher, openly declared: “…I’m a gay. That gives me much more energy to be a better teacher…” It was followed by a clarion call from James Dobson for Christian parents in California to leave the public schools because the gay agenda has taken root in even kindergarten. All this informed Kerry Anderson to declare: “This nation is destined to decline.”

Media gains of the gay agenda are shown in TV series. Everything that appears on the television has been corrupted. Working effortlessly to baptize people into such a mundane lifestyle. The more people are exposed to it, the more they become accustomed to it. They call it the ‘non-threatening norm in our society.’

Politically lobbying their way through the hearts of voters. A survey in 2003 by Kaiser Family Foundation had it that among those who strongly oppose same-sex marriage, 53% indicate they will vote for George W. Bush while Twenty-five percent favor the democratic candidate, and a whopping 30% are unsure.

Conversely, in Ghana’s parliament, there has been an Anti-Gay Bill championed by Hon. Sam George before members of the August House. The speaker of parliament, Alban Bagbin, has been forthright with some giant strides towards the passing of the bill. Not long did he slam US Vice President Kamala Harris who, though enjoying her husband, cunningly advocated for LGBTQIA+ on her visit to Ghana. On the floor of parliament, Hon. Bagbin once opened the floor to those who are against the bill to speak up. Nobody did!

Truth isn’t up for grabs; white is white. It calls for detachment from the unpopular opinion of ‘you have your truth, I have mine. You can believe whatever you want to believe, I believe whatever I want to believe, too!’ This sort of mindset is cancerous. The Bible tells us that God doesn’t change like shifting shadows. The Lord will remain forever the same. If you see black, call it black!

Dr. Ronnie W. Floyld has devised four ways to respond to the ongoing gay agenda. It is unequivocally enshrined on page 118: (1) Hold up God’s truth without shame or compromise, (2) Declare the gospel message of liberty and hope, (3) Help even our children and student ministries to demonstrate love and help to those struggling with their sexuality, and (4) Demonstrate God’s mercy and love to those in the lifestyle of homosexuality and to their families, without a hint of compromise. This won’t be possible until we follow it with prayers, educate ourselves, and make our voices audible against the wrongs of society.

The Gay Agenda has gained momentum. Therefore it requires unflinching dissent to cripple the movement. You know it isn’t a waged war. Everyone needs not to be liberal. “In our staunch opposition to sin, we must take care never to cross the line into hatred of the sinner.”

However, we are talking about a fundamental madness no one can afford to ignore. Proponents of the gay agenda haven’t intended to go away. ‘They will not go gently into that good night, but rather seek sweeping changes in America’ and other cultures.

What was the church doing at the birth of the gay agenda — sleeping or snoring!? Even though the ‘gay agenda has won some major battles legally, politically, educationally, and ecclesiologically, there is good news. And part of it is that the gay agenda will never win biblically and theologically.’