Opinions of Monday, 14 November 2022

Columnist: Richard

The Ghanaian Bar without boundaries- Law under threat

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Many in Ghana today have little or nor regard/respect for the legal profession, as the judiciary is being labelled the most corrupt institution in the country today . Now let’s take a look at events that has led to this shadow casted over lawyers and judges in ghana all of whom are members of the Ghana Bar Association— (no reference to beer nor hard liquor) .

One, a young Ghanaian eager to survive under the circumstances thousands commits a crime as petty as stealing a tuber of Yam, (priced at 10 cedis ) gets jailed for 5yrs , putting pressure on the tax payers purse for 5yrs , and a politician steals 100,000 Dollars (yes dollars) from the public purse and walks freely in Ghana because he or she was able to give a share of that loot to a lawyer and judge who allows him to walk. Now, this scenario plays itself over and over and over and yet many of the Lawyers who were conferred shamelessly into the Ghana Bar Association all stood and watched as blatant crimes , some reported in the media space of the country , took place without any of them saying , hey hold on , l am becoming a lawyer to uphold justice so let me add my voice to help stop these crimes that has riddled the community space of our country .

Two, these same flock of lawyers conferred were all in the country , when 8 people were shot and killed by men in police uniforms during the 2020 elections and never for once voiced out the call for justice for these Ghanaians and the family, nor did they say let’s get justice for the thousands affected by the explosion that took place in Apiase due to negligence of a foreign mining company..and the list goes on and on.

To all those conferred to the Ghana Bar Association this week , the youth of this country sees you all as the enemy, yes the enemy because you have all turned the call to and for justice into an unethically corrupt arena where all you do is bid for the highest offer for cases , than to morally uphold the rule of law.

Ghana , would become a country of envy and dignity the moment our Judiciary can stand tall and deliver justice to all regardless of the status quo /gender / sexual orientation/ religion and size of one’s bank account., and this can be achieved only when the new fresh blood infused into the Ghana Bar Association can begin the process of holding each other accountable by saying no to unethical, immoral judgements that come with brown envelopes filled with Cedis.

The youth of Ghana deserve this shift to ensure that their futures would not become a mess like what they are experiencing now which is a result of these corrupt lawyers and judges that occupy the judicial space.

Proud as you all feel to be conferred unto the Bar, make us all all proud with your actions and stance against injustice , be patriotic and help build a better Ghana for all. We know the task ahead would be a tough one , but your pride and integrity should be able to withstand all the unjust corrupt temptation templates set by your predecessors. Let us build a better Ghana and the bus starts with the Judiciary.

Long live Ghana

Dhr Dodoo

Social Commentator/ Chairman of the Diasporan Development Network

The Netherlands
