Opinions of Thursday, 24 August 2006

Columnist: patrick2003@bluewin.ch

The Giving Age

The old adage goes that there are three stages in the life of every person or well established institution.The receiving years(0-40).The acquiring years(40-50) and then comes the giving years(50+). Our beloved country Ghana will soon be 50 years old. It is only 7 months away and one will ask,are we as a country matured enough to be self reliant? If this and many others can be achieved as a country then all abled citizens of Ghana should enschew national enmity and hatred as well as tribalismwhich have been canker worms and caterpillars eating our national unity bits by bits.

If Ghana as a country were to be man or human,he or she would have been self reliant and independent being able to give out.But as it is now Ghana is still in receiving years or age where we beg for hand outs and aid from developed countries.We as a country need to be aggresive in all our endeavours,that is to adapt aggresive policies that would propel the country forward.Again if our beloved country will be self reliant then all beloved citizens should accomodate each other and respect for authority instead of raining insults on our president,indivuals or the leadershipof the country.We as a country have to emerge from tribal lines and individual vendetta against each other.

Recently Honourable Addo Kuffour made his intentions clear to run on NPP ticket as a presidential candidate,Wow that attracted distructive criticism that some school of thought are saying that the presidential seat is not a dynasty or family clan.To me as a lay man who has no affiliation to any party politically,i find these comments primitive,why because we as a country have to consider the good of the person and how much he can offer or the services he can render for the good of our country.

Afterall in Cuba H.E.Fidel Castrohas appointed his brother as his next of in command, in Poland the president has appointed his twin brother to be his prime minister and Ukraine the presidenthas appointed his political opponent as his prime minister,this is not power sharing but for the good of the country. If Americans were to consider the days of George Bush (snr)they would not have voted for H.E George Bush(jnr)The book of Amos chapter 6:1 states" wow to anyone who is at ease in Zion". Zion refers to the church so therefore if the faithful are being cautioned against complacency then Ghana as country must not be complacent.In order not to remain where we are or rest on our oars,we as a country must desist from culture of insults and pointing accusing fingers at each other.

All of must must take the bull by the horn and let us put our hands on deck and plough together as one family.The old adage goes that "when it rains it does not fall one man`s house".All of us have responsibility so he who points accusing fingers should know that he or she stands accused someday.Fellow citizens let us adapt the attitude of " pulling him up"instead of "pulling in down".Let us enjoy the peace and tranquility.Let us take clue from out neighbouring countries.The bible advices us to live at peace with all men.I therefore ask fellow citizens in diaspora to contribute our quota to the development of our dear country Ghana.I am also appealing to all meaningfull Ghanaians both at home and abroad to refrain from activities that will soil the image of Ghana especially the cocain menace that has engulfed our country. Something that destroys the very fibre of our society should not be condoned and conived.

Dear citizens let us arise and shine. Let us rise above ourselves and fight for mother Ghana for the good of the generation to come, other than that history will judge us and God will also not spare us when we stand before the throne of judgement. It is not too late God is watching over us to perform and He is listening. Let us not contemplate but to take the bold initiative. The bible states that if my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray,i will hear from heaven.Let us do what it takes to bring the ear of God down. Investment depends on the peace and economic viability of a country.Corruption deters investments.Let us all be the sweet smelling nectar that attracts the hee-bee.


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