Opinions of Thursday, 6 August 2009

Columnist: MP

The NPP Party Must Be Trialled.

The worth of a political party cannot be measured on its founding principles or ideologies only, but also on how well those ideologies or principles are practicalized. Any political party could swear allegiance to a certain ideology, with the intent to struck a familiar cord of concern with the electorate. However it's time, challenges and circumstances, which eventually determine, if that particular party is worth the trust or not. The NPP party busted on the political scene, exuberant as the morning sun, and hopeful like tomorrow. But even the hopes of tomorrow, if not careful or cared for, could lead to despair, disappointments and sorrow. Especially, if those hopes are tied to politics with all its uncertainties.

Nobody could dispute the evidential changes, which the NPP party brought to Ghana during the party's brief governance of this country. After all, didn't the NPP government stabilize the fluctuating nature of the Cedi, pitching it perfectly against the dollar?And what about the economy, didn't the economy flourish in the hands of the NPP government? Many great deeds were wrought, during this brief period of governance by the NPP government. And so what exactly went wrong? Many reasons have been given, as to why things suddenly fell apart for this great political party. Whatever those reasons are, they might all be accurate, because the electorate is never wrong.

In essence, all political parties either make or break on the merit of their own founding principles. Not only that, but also on how well a political party commit to its founding principles without betraying them. If anything, the NPP party betrayed its founding principles. Therefore setting a stage for its own down fall. The party which proudly claims to be patriotic, was all things but patriotic during its time in government. Really, the numerous contracts, which were awarded to foreign companies for the realization of most of the country's undertakings, instead of our own, blatantly demonstrated the treasurous nature of this party. Also the NPP government's refusal to invest on domestication, led to the unnecessary explosion of corrupt foreign investors in our country. Whose interests were not either to serve or give to us, but to take and be served by us in the form of NCC, Neo Corporate Colonialism.

Any political party in government, could either choose to serve the interest of the people who elected it to power, or serve corporate interest. It all depends. However when a ruling party, which was elected by the power of people, abandons the people's interest for corporate interest, not only does it betray the people, but also the people's country. We should be mindful that, the prioritization of corporate interest to people's interest, always breeds bureaucratic corruption. Which slowly, but surely becomes an everyday imitation, by those who look up to the bureaucracy as an exemplary body.We all could bear testimony to how the NPP party, during their time in government, did trade the people's interest for corporate interest. Thus allowing the Neo Corporate Colonialists, free access to our natural resources, and power to influence decisions made concerning our socio-economic polices for the worse.

For eight long years, and under the influence of the criminal Neo Corporate Colonialists, Ghana under the NPP government, was ill-advised to auction off most of her present and future assets for nearly nothing. Making it more obvious to all that, the NPP party didn't come to serve, and protect the people who elected it to power, but to champion the course of the Western corporations. Who have been secretly funding the NPP Party all along the watch tower. Undeniably, the very Western corporations who have been proposing free, but not fair trade to us. Thus both undermining, and thwarting our chances of participating on equal footing with them, in an inter-dependent global market economy.

Undoubtedly, if Ghana is going to grow and progress as a nation, a party like the NPP must be trialled for treason. Not only to send out a strong message to all that, any affiliation with neo colonialism with the intent of short changing Ghana, and her people will not be tolerated, but being a criminal organisation disguised as a political party. Whose sole intent is to maintain, and continue Neo Corporate Colonialism in our beloved Ghana.