Opinions of Saturday, 6 October 2007

Columnist: Boamah, Ebenezer

The Pot Pointing Fingers at the Kettle…

Ghana and other nations which have for a long time been without identity on the governmental level, no sense of direction, and lack internal self drive have always been the marbles on the world chessboard, played around by the nations that have long established strong national identity and direction on the world’s socioeconomic and political stage. Some of these nations, in the league of Ghana, naively call themselves non-aligned. This is naïve not only because in practicality it is saner and easier to be aligned, whether to self like the established nations or as a satellite to such. This gives a nation a sense of direction, with determination and vigor. To be non-aligned is defeatist, because it resigns a nation to a peripheral on the world stage, and makes her ready marble to be moved around, if need be, by those nation with resolve, to the devastating peril of those that dream to be neither here nor there. In reality, the player nations, which the marble nations see as arch-rivals, are like lawyers of the law court who charge their clients (marble nations) to dramatically lock horns in the courtroom, but party and negotiate over some refreshing beverage in camera for their self-gain. At the end of the day, both the superficially opposing lawyers stand to gain, while one or both all the clients lose in value, and in the case. Sometimes even the judge (say the UN, the IAEA, IMF, or the World Bank and such) join the conniving lawyers to swindle the sleeping clients, who could have saved themselves the trouble without them.

Such of the above scenario is playing out now, as the hypocritical and war-mongering America focuses her heinous attention on Iran, after Iraq and Afghanistan have failed to quench her blood-thirstiness and insatiable appetite for control and looting. Marble countries such as Ghana have become the lobbying field, as the player nations once again sit over the chessboard with their mischief-induced potbelly to play the rest of the naïve world around for their own clandestine gains. The first charge against the Iranians, when the evangelistic demons of Bush Dracula, like the arch-prophetess Rice and other war-crazy army generals enter countries like Ghana, is ‘that Islamic State’ or ‘Islamic Regime’; even though they dine, wine and whore with ‘Islamic States’ like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Kuwait and such. Bush has long played religious politics with impunity, both nationally and internationally, telling majority pro-Christian Americans, and countries like Ghana that Islamic states like Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan under Taliban are threats to Americans and the Christian world in general. What baffles me most is how this super-liar of the century, Bush, and his dispatched demons get it right with the ally Islamic states, even though they use Islam as a charge against their perceived and manufactured enemies. I am tempted to believe that such nations like Saudi Arabia and her likes are playing the stupid ostrich by hiding their heads in the sand, away from the glaring deceit and hypocrisy.

Those American Christians populace who endorse war on other nations just because they are Islamic should be ashamed of themselves, and start reading their Bibles, because even though Christians believe, without any apology, even as the word of God, the Holy Bible says that it is only through Christ Jesus that one could see God. Yet, nowhere in the Bible does Jesus Christ, our Lord advocates either forceful verbal or violent conversion, change of government or culture, or harm of any kind against non-Christians believers. For the God who created the universe has given everyone, including Satan free will until the 2nd advent of Christ. Thus He rains and shines on both the wicked and the righteous alike (Mat 5:43 -45). Bush and all his likes, like the Papacy who have waged wars against people of Christian and non-Christians persuasions, in history, are Satan driven self-obsessed maniacs in Christian camouflages.

The number two charge by America against Iran is that the Islamic State’s nuclear endeavors are for war purpose. Well, what a charge? The champion of liberty, free will and conscience, even as they expound it in the god of Democracy, where in their so-called free world, men are free to marry men, and women to women; some abominable multi-partner perversion called open-marriage is advocated, where round-robin sexual orgies could happen between any set of the freelance husbands and wives involved; where gays are ordain as men of God; the free world, where relativism is virtue, says it is sin for a sovereign state like Iran and North Korea to fashion some weapons of their choice because one is ‘Islamic’ and the other is ‘communist’; even though, America herself is constantly spending army robbed and deceitfully stolen billions on such arsenals; leaving the robbed dying of gunshots and bombs, hunger and diseases, just because America believes she has the sole inalienable right to nuclear arsenals, and its usage, even as demonstrated on Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945, killing some 129,558, and leaving some 176,987 homeless.

I should not tell you before you understood that if any nation is a threat with nukes, and should be banned accordingly, then America should be the first, and the only proven one – the nerve of the Wild West nuke smoked pot, pointing fingers at the Arabian kettle that only sits on the electric stove that she is too black!!! The hypocrisy of the century – please Bush if you are really the Christian that you profess to be, then painfully apply this medicine of the word of God to your sickness: ‘Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye’ (Matthew 7:3-5). If America were truly representative of the Christian family (as they would want us to believe), with her immorality, deceit, perversion of all kinds, Satan-worshipping, oppression, and bloody thirstiness, then Christians would have been far better of being Moslems under the Taliban, for we would enjoy some sanity and sanctity in our spiritual and social life than the abominable depravity that America promotes and abides in.

Ghana and Africa must not fall prey to such hypocrisy. As if people do not know, all that America is trying to do over the decades is to eliminate all potential challenge to her dreamed unquestionable universal sovereignty and tyranny over all nations, where we would have to take our daily details from Washington in silent servitude every morning. Ghana and such countries must be wise not to say ye nne me, na emom ye ne won, but should rather prepare the water hydrant for their short beard, even as the long Islamic beard burns now. So long as bossy nations like America would continue to amass weapons of mass destruction with impunity at our expense, I would urge all nations to go nuke to set the balance. This would wipe off the threat of one nation talking of aggression against another. America could not attacked or even put in place economic sanction against North Korea because of her nukes. Had Iraq and Afghanistan possess nukes, America would not have dared. We have not experienced direct war between Russia and America only because each is afraid of the other’s nukes. Where there is balance, respect abides, and where even involuntary respect reigns, there peace flourishes. Universal nuke craze could bring us to an end (God willing); however it is only the same that can bring fairness and peace in this world, until God decides otherwise.

Brothers and sisters, within the past few weeks, from president Kufuor, Alpha Kounari, Mbeki to Mugabe had been making my day, by showing some bone by stating the facts of injustice, and for being their own men for some change. However, whether Kufuor and Mbeki would show consistency by following through with apt local policies, and sustained continental and international direction is another. Kounari is calling for the removal of all foreign forces from the continent, and subsequent integration of the continent, of which Kufuor has shown very little leadership, and where Mbeki has rejected such outright with his superficial ‘foundation theorem’, because he hanged on holding onto power in his South Africa (but he is failing real bad), the gateway to the continental re-colonization. On the other hand I have been saddened that just after their non-align meeting in Iran, Ghana under president Kufuor has signed a unilaterally cooked US document on nukes, poised to muscle in Iran, in alignment with the Americans as against Iran. This is just one of the many evidences showing the fallacy of the non-align movement (that movement must be dissolved because first, it is impractical, and second, sick in its psyche).

Conclusion Ghana and Africa must not stay marbles any more, but transform into big players. Kounari must continue to forcefully drum some sense into the African leaders into uniting, even as he did at the UN. Kufuor, Mbeki and all others with the will, must follow through their solidarity with Mugabe with concrete measures to clear the mess left in Zimbabwe, even as the West continue to battle the whole of Africa there, to keep her under their constant servitude and tutelage. Without such consistency, and sheer alertness, they might as well have kept quiet and kowtowed as usual, because the taskmasters will surely attempt to increase the burden and strengthen the bondage, through every conceivable deceit and sabotage. The battle would be less complicated for Africa if she would integrate, in the actual sense of the word, with one economic, political and military front, as soon as possible. One economic exit and entry point to the rest of the world would bring about fair trade, where we would sell at our own terms. One federal government, one great influential voice. One military, one big nuke bomb to serve as deterrent to all. We do not need to fall into the crazy arms race triggered by America (it is just defeatist), all we need is a deterrent to crazy adventurers like America. This will release more funds and manpower to boost economic and infrastructural development. Africa, unite and get a soul! God’s blessings to you.

Ebenezer Boamah (The author is a man of God whose mandate is to national interest of all spheres, because the spirit is not void of the flesh).

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