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Opinions of Thursday, 15 August 2024

Columnist: Samuel Nii Adjetey

The Social Media Scrolling Spiral: Robbing your attention and time

Social media scrolling Social media scrolling

Have you ever reached for your phone before you opened your eyes in the morning? Or perhaps you've had that moment of terror when you discover you've left your device at home and feel as if you've lost a limb. Welcome to the club of social media addicts; we meet online 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and our membership is rising faster than you can say "TikTok Challenge."

Let's face it: social media has become digital candy that we can't get enough of. It's delicious and irresistible, and like that box of chocolates your aunt gave you for Christmas, once you start, you can't stop. Unlike those chocolates, social media doesn't merely enlarge our waistlines; it shrinks our attention spans and gobbles up our time like a hungry dog in an all-you-can-eat buffet.

So, How did we get here? Remember when we had hobbies that didn't require a touchscreen? Oware, ludo, ampe, and rest. Our thumbs now receive more exercise than the rest of our bodies combined.

We've gotten so good at scrolling that if it was an Olympic sport, we'd all win gold. But do not worry, fellow screen zombies! There's still hope for us. Here are some suggestions to help you regain your life from the grips of social media:

Set boundaries: Treat your phone like that overly chatty neighbor—set specific times when you're willing to engage, and don't be afraid to shut the door (or, in this case, turn off notifications) when you need some peace and quiet.

Digital detox:Start small. Can you go an hour without checking your phone? How about during meals? Work your way up to a full day, and who knows? You might rediscover the lost art of eye contact.

Find a hobby that doesn't require Wi-Fi: Knitting, gardening, interpretive dance – anything that gets you off the couch and away from screens. Who knows? You might discover you're the next Picasso (or at least the next Paint-by-Numbers champion).

Use technology to fight technology: It's ironic, isn't it? There are apps designed to limit your app usage. It's like hiring a fox to guard the henhouse, but hey, sometimes you need to fight fire with fire.

Practice mindfulness: Next time you reach for your phone, ask yourself why. Are you bored? Anxious? Avoiding something? Understanding your triggers can help you break the habit.

In conclusion, we feel like helpless addicts trapped in a never-ending cycle of social media browsing, which has turned into a vicious cycle. On the other hand, we can take back control of our lives by admitting the issue and taking baby steps towards healing. We may free ourselves from the sway of social media and rediscover the delights of present-moment life by establishing boundaries, undertaking digital detoxes, engaging in offline hobbies, limiting our use of technology, and cultivating mindfulness.

One scroll-free hour at a time, it's time to reclaim our lives.

Remember that the world exists outside of screens and it is our responsibility to discover it.