Opinions of Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Columnist: Prof Dinkum

The antiquity and mantic portrayal of 'Number one' (1)

Image of the numeric 1 Image of the numeric 1

According to Pythagoras theory

Not dazedly, the number 1 is in the main, treated as a symbol of "unity". Therefore, in monotheistic religions, it often mirrors God or the universe. The Pythagoreans did not reckon with 1 to be a number at all because number means plurality and 1 is singular. However, they weighed up it to be the " provenance " of all numbers because enumerating many 1s together can fabricate any other (positive whole) number. In their system, where odd numbers were male and even numbers female, the number 1 was neither; instead, it modified each to the other. If 1 is totted up to an even number, it becomes odd; similarly, if 1 is added to an odd number, it becomes even.

NB : In the annals of Ghana's presidencies, no female has wangled the position of a president of this country before, as ' even ' numbers illustrate " feminism" in this case also - therefore, this scenario shall persist incessantly.

According to religion
Religion had contiguous ties with science as well as with literature and art. Astronomy, mathematics, and time reckoning are sciences in which the ancient Middle East made great strides at an early date, long before 3000 bc. Heavenly bodies were at the same time both deities and personified numbers. The planet Venus was the “star” that the Assyrians and Babylonians styled Ishtar, which was at the same time, both the goddess Ishtar and the deified number 15. The Moon was not only Earth’s satellite but also the lunar deity Sin and the deified number 30. The most perfect number was " one ", for by advancing from zero to one men believed they proceeded from " nonexistence " to " existence ".

In sacred Scripture "one," ehad, in Hebrew, limns unity and is the quintessential number of monotheism, the worship of one God. One as a cardinal number pictures " unity ". The number One is indivisible and not made up of any other number embodying the unity of the One true God in which there is no partitioning.

One as a hieroglyph number connotes primacy, sovereignty, divine completeness or perfection.

Christians recognized the number "one" in Scripture as symbolic of the First Person of the Most Holy Trinity, God the Father.

Moreover, all other whole numbers were regarded as multiples of one, prototypical of the Creator, the Prime Mover, of the universe. The Egyptians called Re “the one One”; the Babylonians fingered the divine “One” with Anu, the god of heaven. When the Hebrew prophet Zechariah (14:9) proclaimed “on that day the Lord will be one and his name One,” he indicated that the Hebrews, like their neighbours, reckoned with sacred numbers and saw in the number one a ideogram of the Creator. Biblical monotheism, therefore, has more than one dimensions, including not only the monotheistic principle that there is one God and none beside him but also the mathematical principle of the primacy of “one” and its deification as the Prime Mover.

NB:'One' is a divine number, which accommodates lots, thereby making someone the outright muckety - muck.

According to Numerologist

The number 1 is a paramount number in numerology, as it typifies the prolongation, the furtherance of a cycle or project, as well as innovation and creativity. It can also be associated with uniqueness and originality, as well as the impression of standing out from others.

The number 1 is often cracked as symbolizing independence and initiative in numerology. It can also be coupled with qualities such as leadership, determination and ambition, as it emblematizes the willingness to lead and take initiative.

In numerology, the number 1 can be considered a number of strength and will, as it represents spunk and the kidney to face dares. It is also related to self-confidence and determination, as it symbolizes the will to triumph and net one's goals. The number 1 can also be associated with individuality and personality, as it represents the uniqueness and differentiation of individuals.

Here are some facets which could be equated with the number 1:

• Leader and independent.

• Likes to be in charge and make decisions.

• Can be creative and innovative.

• Can be determined and persistent.

NB : The number ' one ' bestows upon someone, the singularity to spearhead the profusion of people to the zenith.

These detailing deets, telescope why Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has been nominated by God to take up the mantle as the subsequent president of Ghana.