Opinions of Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Columnist: Viwotor, Theodore M. K.

The coda warning

By Theodore M.K. Viwotor

I know from first sight you would be wondering what CODA is all about and why one should bother him/herself reading what is not clear from the onset.
Well, you are right because we all expect to get the meaning of an article right from the headline, in order to express interest in reading it since time is too precious to be wasted on what would bring nothing to one’s table.
This heading has to do with you and any other human being living on this earth because it borders on an area of life that is often neglected but relevant to all persons, irrespective of one’s status.
CODA is all about disability. Yes Disability. Are you surprised? I mean it!!!
Actually CODA is an acronym you have never come across in your life and it is very true, though I don’t know you in person. I am convinced you have never heard or seen it anywhere but I am equally sure you have heard of all it has to do with.
I have delayed you for too long so let me go straight to the point. I know by the time I start unraveling the mystery surrounding CODA, you would say “Oh, I thought it was something so special, not knowing it is something I know very well.
CODA is an acronym for the main causes of disability- causes of disability? Yes, causes of disability and this is something I have invented so don’t search for it anywhere. You may look for the individual components but don’t try looking for CODA because it is my invention.
C stands for Congenital –that is something that comes with birth. So you see that you knew about it but never thought it this way.
Let me go to the next one.
O stands for Old age-yes Old age-I wish I would never grow old-that song we love singing all the time.
D-stands for disease-sickness or illness, however you feel like calling it; it comes to the same thing.
A-stands for Accident-uch!!! The screeching of the car and then all of a sudden bang!!! God forbid!!!
So you now see that you knew what I was going to say but because I coded it you never knew about it. Now you are saying, aaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!
CODA stands for the causes of disability that has plagued about 20% of our population and still counting because as you read this article, a number of people are falling prey to disability at various locations in Ghana and the world.
It is very saddening that, the issue of disability has not caught the attention or interest of policy makers and Ghanaians in general as it ought to and this continues to baffle people who have a passion for Persons With Disability (PWDs).
In fact, why should one bother themselves about disability when there are many other pressing issues to care about, especially what would bring food to the table? This is a question that keeps driving many Ghanaians away from disability matters.
However, from the little you have seen about CODA a while ago, I know you can easily identify yourself with one or more of the causes of disability.
If you were not born with disability, you might give birth to a child who has it- so you have a business with the C.
You might grow well without disability but once you begin to grow older, you become weaker and are more likely to start having some difficulties with some parts of the body and in many cases this can develop into disability. So, Old age can lead to you becoming a Person With Disability (PWD).
Disease is another common cause of disability that can affect any human being; yes any human being-whether you are rich or poor, short or tall; dark or fair, whatever your tribe.
The last one, yes Accident, can just change you completely from a strong energetic person into a PWD within a matter of days, hours or minutes.
Now, tell me if you are too smart or special not to be affected by CODA. At this point, just take a look at your life and ask yourself if it is not possible you become a PWD very soon. Don’t exempt yourself; it can happen to anyone, including you; yes you.
You now see why the issue of disability affects us all; not only PWDs or other persons working with them? That is why I pity those with negative mindsets towards PWDs, especially those in political positions, who have not done much to support these vulnerable people from living a difficult life.
It is easy to overlook a PWD in any situation because there are many excuses to do that; after all, they can also go and find something to do since disability is not inability. Another excuse is that they have the beggarly mentality-they always want to beg.
You may be right to say all of that and as well excuse yourself from supporting them as a result. But, are they all the same? If they are all not the same, then what have you done for those who have proven to be hardworking and willing to get something doing in spite of their disability?
You see that you have very good excuses but at least one reason is enough to let you turn back to see what you can do for a PWD who might need your support urgently.
The CODA warning is very instructive to all of us, especially to those of us who live with or know other PWDs around us; we can just be like them at any time. Everybody is susceptible to disability, no matter who you are.
Heed the CODA warning and begin to change your attitude towards PWDs because the next moment you could be that person in the wheel chair or walking with clutches or worse still, being carried at the back. It might even be as worst as being bed-ridden or dying.
Remember the CODA warning!!!
