Opinions of Saturday, 15 August 2015

Columnist: Solomon Tawiah McBanasam

The deception of the wise serpent

They told us, preaching about decent dressing is religion not Christianity. We loved liberal preachers who use the bible quotes as mere motivational messages other than for salvation purposes.

We even laud them as level-headed when they do not recommend Jesus as the only true way.

We loved them for their swag and that of their wives who have only influenced us to crave for material things.

When constantly advised by the genuine ones to refrain from our bad deeds, we brand them as judgmental and seek solace in new churches that condone our human lust and perversions, all in the quest for a free conscience to live according to the dictates of the flesh.

These pastors are loved by the crème’ de la crème’ of the society The average intelligentsia loves them because their preaching endorses our quest for lust, perversion and corruption.

We feel comfortable to substitute the Bible with our smartphones and tablets.

We send our smartphones to church other than the Bible albeit the porn materials and other profane materials in them. It is not uncommon to see the young and the middle-aged group “whatsapping” or “facebooking” during church service.

They have caused us to discard the code that defines us as Christians, saying that is religion and Christianity is a way of life, not a religion.

The new wave is that, since it is a way of life, the bible is irrelevant only listen to your heart since the biblical context is irrelevant in an evolving society of the 21st century.

Many Christians have bought into this since it is being preached by the same much-loved, liberal and knowledgeable preachers. They call it the- Kingdom- of- God- in- you.

Beloved in Christ, be smart, I hope you know what all these are heading to. You would not be told to deny your Christ, no the devil is smarter than that. Behold the era of the wise serpent.

Solomon Tawiah McBanasam

Email: soloten@rocketmail.com