Opinions of Monday, 5 February 2018

Columnist: Damian Horminu

The kitchen stool vrs the woman caught in adultery

Priscilla Tettey, the student at the heart of the 'kitchen stool' sextape Priscilla Tettey, the student at the heart of the 'kitchen stool' sextape


Recently in Ghana, the kitchen stool has gained a tremendous popularity, and only the "stranger in Jerusalem" will be astounded by how this became possible.

I was reflecting on the whole thing and I felt a lot of fear and trepidation at how far we Ghanaians have become merciless, uncompassionate, cruel, cold-blooded, sadistic, callous, unsympathetic and unkind towards our own kind.

I must admit that I admire the great sense of humor of the Ghanaian people. However, I must be quick also to condemn any form of maximization of the plight of those whose mistakes apparently render them extremely regretful and make them wallow in self-pity. The last thing they would expect from us is to make fun of them and to expose them more and more to hurt. All over social media today, we see images and funny videos ridiculing "the kitchen stool". Come to think of it. Do we realize the great harm we cause these two poor souls? Do we understand that by leaking and circulating this video, we destroy their past, present and future? What do we seek to achieve? Now let me ask you, would you have had the courage to watch, leak and circulate this video if she was your sister or if he was your brother? Would you have composed a song with this or pass a careless statement about it if they were your close relations or friends? If no, then why do we do this to them? In as much as I do not support the moral decline especially among the youth, I also believe strongly that it is equally wrong to leak, watch and circulate such videos.

I agree with Archbishop Fulton Sheen on the point that people take delight in reading scandalous news because it makes them feel good about themselves, as they see themselves better than others. Their good feeling comes from that reaction which says " This can't be me. I can't do this. This is too bad. At least I can't go to that extent etc." But a sincere confrontation with the self will reveal to us how sinful we too are.

In the Gospel account according to John 8, we read a story of a woman who was caught in the act of adultery and was brought to Jesus by the scribes and the Pharisees. Obviously they have already condemned her. They were ready to stone her to death but somehow they brought her to Jesus to entagle him. But Jesus used the occasion to teach them a powerful lesson: "let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw the stone". And we were told that they left one after the other. What happened? Does it mean that nobody among them was sinless? Not even one? So after all, they were no better than this woman. The Bible tells us that there was one person who was left with the woman. He was Jesus, the man who has every right to stone this woman because he was without sin. But what did he do? He straightened up, look at this woman with eyes of mercy and said to her "I do not condemn you. Go your way and from now do not sin again". These words of Jesus traveled deep into the innermost part of the soul of this woman and breathed life on the deadness of her soul.

How often do we behave like the Pharisees, going round with stones in hands looking for sinners to kill? How often do we go round looking for some good gossip, destroying other's reputation? How often are we quick to condemn others for their mistakes? In the words of Laurie Hall, "we have become a nation of voyeurs who feed off the offal of ruined lives. Our feeding troughs are the talk shows, books, and magazines that tell shocking story after shocking story about how people have consumed themselves and others". We have become obstacles instead of bridges to the mercy and forgiveness of God. However, if we reflect on our own lives, we would realize how sinful we are and in need of God's mercy.

In conclusion, let us learn from Jesus, whose love finds a way to reach past the pains of betrayal to climb down the ditch and get muddy and bruised while helping us, the people who have betrayed him get back on our feet. Let us be quick to help those who have fallen down get back on their feet than trample upon them.

Finally, I wish to advise the youth to stay away from all kinds immoral acts and to see themselves as created in the image of God, an image that needs to be kept pure and stainless always.