Opinions of Sunday, 12 May 2013

Columnist: Adzokpe, Jonathan

The legacy of a mother’s love

The time to celebrate mothers is here again. I know this period holds sad memories for those who have lost their mothers. May you all accept my condolences. That notwithstanding, we all have people who have served as mothers to us in one way or the other. Of course a mother is not only one who’s given birth to children; but one who nurtures.
I will want to use this article to celebrate and salute the lives of all mothers the world over especially my own mother; a very strong woman by all standards whose advice and godly counsel has brought me thus far.
The love God has given mothers is beyond description. I concur with Prince Nico Mbarga, the Nigerian composer who sang the 1976 hit song, “Sweet Mother”. In his song he said, “If I no sleep, my mother no go sleep. If I no chop, my mother no go chop.” What demonstration of love that is!
One thing very important my mother has left with me as a legacy of her love for me is not houses, cars, or a fat bank account. The best legacy I will always remember her for is to teach me in the ways of God and ultimately leading me to Christ – the greatest decision I have and will ever make in life.
I remember at the age of 12 when she led me and my younger sister to be baptized in Christ. There, she took personal responsibility in the full glare of the congregation that she would see to it that we walked in the ways of God. And I must say she’s never relented in her efforts.
As young as I was then, I didn’t really understand the essence of all that had transpired. But looking back today, I believe it’s the greatest thing she’s ever done for me. I can boast of Christ now because she allowed herself to be used as a vessel. And the interesting part of all of this was that she was born and bred in a home that worshipped voodoos. She’s the first to have committed her life to Christ.
But for her I may not know Christ. I celebrate her and other mothers who have been of tremendous blessing to us as sons and daughters. They have continued to play the role of nurturing and guiding us in the way to go.
God bless and glorify all mothers. May they all live to see their children grow into very responsible adults. May they enjoy the fruits of their labour.
To all mothers I say, “Ayekoo”. We wish you a very happy and memorable Mothers’ Day. God continue to bless and increase you on every side.

The author of this article is Jonathan Adzokpe. He’s a writer, speaker, educator, and entrepreneur. He also hosts a motivational radio talk show program dubbed “Motivational Arena” at 10:00 to 11:00 GMT every Saturday on a Russian based radio station, Nash Radio. (www.radionash.com). You can contact him via his email jadzokpe@gmail.com
