Opinions of Monday, 2 March 2020

Columnist: Richard Fidel Bedi, Contributor

The mental illness of NDC Parliamentary seat in Efutu Constituency

File photo - NDC supporters File photo - NDC supporters

When your King is swollen and you said he was just adding weight, only time will tell-that is a literal translation of an Ewe adage.

The Efutu constituency executives since losing the parliamentary seat to the NPP and Afenyo Markins has been behaving like the only Leopard in the jungle without a Lion.

Somewhere in September 2019, these executives shamelessly petitioned the party to allow Dr.James Kofi Annan a known NPP financier to contest on the ticket of the NDC with the excuse they cannot find any marketable candidate within the NDC who could wrestle power from the NPP- strange isn't it?

What makes it even more strange is that the constituency later elected another former NPP member Lawyer Victor Yankson who left the NPP to contest the parliamentary primaries.

Lawyer Victor Yankson as we speak has resigned stating lack of financial support from the party and the division within the party as his reasons. Political Party membership requires loyalty and commitment- a quality I believe is absent in the leadership and their appendage NPP financier.

If indeed Dr.James Kofi Annan feels so hurt by the mistreatment by the NPP and wish to resign why didn't he do so by directing his energy and resources to support the NDC and it's PC?

Why does he still donate billboard spaces to the NPP and not the NDC? Is the Constituency Executive telling all of us that all these years they were unable to build the capacity of any candidate to be able to wrestle power from the NPP on any day?

They should be tendering their resignations after this open admission and display of gross incompetence.

I am scandalised by this open display of disregard for the party's rules and the lack of moral consequence in this rather unfortunate decision.

Have we as a party considered the aftermath of the precedence this rush transaction might set?

I am not a prophet of doom but coming events they say to cast their shadow but this appears to me like arming your enemy against yourself because irrespective of the outcome of the 2020 parliamentary race, I dare say the NPP have succeeded in planting their protege within our rank and file.

He who brings Magot infested firewood home should not complain when lizards start paying a visit. When the exodus and somersaulting becomes the norm we should not suddenly remember the Party has a constitution which provisions needed to apply. Efutu constituency without a formidable and marketable candidate?

The coming election is more than business as usual. It is a battle to rescue our country from the claws of tyranny and corruption so this comedy must not be entertained anywhere in the party and certainly not in Efutu.

I at this juncture entreating the National leadership to act to correct the error of judgement before it pushes all of us further into the ditch. End

Richard Fidel Bedi ( Concerned Member)