Opinions of Monday, 1 June 2020

Columnist: Dr. Annie Gaisie

The power of smile

Dr. Annie Gaisie Dr. Annie Gaisie

We can’t always control what happens to us, but smiling and laughing more often can really change both our internal and external experience, and brighten our perspective on life. Smiling can also reduce our ageing process.

Some of us carry all our problems including that of the world on our face.
We find it near impossible to smile.

As if our world is coming to an end. A glance just puts people off being around us.

This behaviour has added ten or more extra years to our age.

When you smile, people treat us differently. We’re seen as attractive, reliable, relaxed and sincere.

Scientists found that seeing an attractive smiling face activates a part in a region in our brain processing sensory rewards.

This suggests that when you view a person smiling, you actually feel that you’re being rewarded.

Smiling activates the release of feel good brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that work towards fighting stress.

When a smile flashes across your face, the neurotransmitters - dopamine, endorphins and serotonin are all released into your bloodstream, making not only your body relax but also work to lower your heart rate and blood pressure.

Smiling is good for preventing wrinkles.

It trains the muscles around the lips, mouth and cheek areas and prevents them from sagging prematurely. This slows down ageing.

Always find something to smile about.

Surround yourself with people who make you smile.

I have 2 tricks that work for me, maybe you can try too.

1. I have a problem with face recognition so l trained myself to smile at everyone l meet. Now l even smile when l don’t want to

2. I watch a lot of children programmes. They make me laugh always.

By: Dr. Annie Gaisie, Psychologist - Addictive Behaviour.

Email- dovewomen@gmail.com