Opinions of Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Columnist: Damptey, Daniel Danquah

The shenanigans and intrigues of the Nefarious Destructive Cancer.

The above negatives traits in our body polity were launched during the registration of voters for the 2012 General Elections.

The plan was hatched when some unpatriotic scallywag and scoundrels at the Ghana Education Service entered into an unholy alliance with tainted Electoral Officers to stage an unconstitutional coup d’état against our Electoral System.
The Ghana Education Service enacted a fatwa preventing all staff of the GES from participating in the registration process as registration officials throughout the country. That paved the way for the recruitment of secretly trained persons of diabolical minds as registration officers. And when that happened, the whole electoral process became compromised. And you and I lost our identity as Ghanaians.
And what a great fall it was! Ghanaian electoral officers even went to Lome to register Togolese nationals outside the shores and confines of the country.
Instead of the Opposition Parties protesting against such high-handedness by the GES, we behaved like castrated eunuch with nothing between our legs while the Nefarious Destructive Cancer had a field day, doing what they know best – election rigging. I shouted myself hoarse from the highest heavens but it appeared I was the only voice crying in the wilderness. Nobody paid any attention to me. I even went to the extent of sending letters to top members of the NPP (through their E-Mails) stating that if we allowed the fatwa to remain unchallenged, we should say “bye bye to power”.

As usual, my warning went unheeded and the result was what we witnessed during the elections which culminated into the Election Petition at the Supreme Court.
Such omissions and infractions were referred to as “administrative errors” during the election petition at the Supreme Court.

Since then, the Electoral Commission and the Nefarious Destructive Cancer, headed by President John Dramani Mahama, our “Commander in Thief” and the man with the “Mephistophelean” philosophy have made such administrative errors their daily catena.
Recently, they re-enacted such shenanigan and intrigue in Parliament during the presentation of the Budget Statement in Parliament. Their “enfant terrible” was no other person than the Minister of Finance, Seth Tekper. He attempted to achieve through the backdoor what he could not attain in the open or front door. What he did was similar to the “administrative errors” committed by the electoral officers who deliberately and willfully omitted to sign the pink sheets at both the polling stations and the collation Centres.
The papers on which the budget statements were printed and given to Parliamentarians had some figures left out. Later, the Government attempted to “co-erce” the MPs into accepting another statement with the figures inserted. Whom were they trying to deceive?
You see these NDC people, it habours a lot of crooks, cut throats, murderers, pen robbers, and criminals. It has some few decent people though, but the number is insignificant as compared to the criminals in their midst.

Ghanaians have a herculean task in freeing themselves from these Directionless Criminals, Greedy Bastards, Babies with sharp teeth and evil dwarfs. But it won’t be long. When the time comes we shall know who and who killed former President Professor John Evans Atta Mills.

Yes, the killers cannot escape the wrath of God and the people. Yes, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Who will save them from the great bonfire that has been prepared for them? Nobody, I presume!

The people in the Nefarious Contraption discourse like angels, but live like criminals.

Who say man no dey? Man dey well well!

Daniel Danquah Damptey (damptey_daniel@yahoo.com} 0243715297