Opinions of Saturday, 3 November 2007

Columnist: Bolobolo, Joe

They Should Spare Us The Amendment Smokescreen!

After the Daily Graphic and its collaborators, the NPP and IEA, got exposed for attempting to stampede Ghanaians into accepting that the law on willfully causing financial loss to the state ought to be repealed, uncle JB has been hearing lots of the people beating a retreat and telling us that the intention was to amend the law and not to repeal it.

Why, do they think we wash our faces upwards?

Those who get high on wee, cocaine and heroin can afford to wash their faces upwards but those of us who don’t spend our lives hooked on to narcotics wash our faces the proper way and so we cannot be fooled in any way.

What kind of amendment are they talking about?

Last week Friday, Nana Ohene Ntow was exposed when he could not answer questions as to the actual parts of the law that ought to be amended.

Yes, Ohene Ntow appended his signature to a document that supposedly wants the law to be amended but he does not know what aspects of the law that he wants amended.

Can you believe that?

So what was Ohene Ntow thinking about when he signed the document?

Or in typical NPP style, and just like Osarfo Marfo did when he signed that German Agreement, Ohene Ntow did not read the document before signing it?

Assuming that it is true that it is an amendment that Ohene Ntow and co are seeking, is it not possible to amend a law and render it totally ineffective and thereby repeal that law in another way?

Yes, a law can be amended to the extent that it would lose all its teeth and cannot bite.

Are you getting the picture?

It just tells you that the whole amendment argument is nothing but a smokescreen to actually repeal the law.

And what is this I heard Kwesi Prat say to the effect that he has sighted the full document that was signed by the 4 GS’s and that apart from the issue of the law on willfully causing financial loss to the state, the General Secretaries also agreed on hefty packages that should be given to politicians that have been voted out of power?

Kwesi mentioned the issue of giving departing ministers diplomatic passports, houses and vehicles.

Yesu Kristo!!! So is that what Asiedu Nketia and co sat at that IEA programme and did?

So are the General Secretaries telling us that after Ghanaians sack a failed and thieving government, the same Ghanaians must provide ministers of the failed government with diplomatic passports, houses and vehicles?

So if failed governments would get all these perks, what would be the incentive for ministers to work hard?

Yes, if I would steal the wealth of the nation and fail as minister of state and still leave with a diplomatic passport and other perks, why would I not behave like a certain Richard Anane and be roaming the world having raw sex with state money?

Look, if there are people in the NDC who are thinking that an Atta Mills led government would allow government officials to misbehave the way the NPP officials a misbehaving and get away with it, then those persons better defect from the NDC to the NPP.

Yes, if NDC officials are going to be sitting down with NPP officials to be appending their signatures to such outrageous documents, then those people better rethink because an Atta Mills government is not going to entertain anybody who would misuse his position to betray the mandate of the people.

By the way, what do former ministers need diplomatic passports for?

So they can run away easily when they are being looked for to answer for their misdeeds?

I am really disappointed in the General Secretaries of the NDC, CPP and PNC for appending their signatures to that useless NPP document.

The NPP has finished stealing and looting and are looking for a way to save their loot and the General Secretaries of the NDC, CPP and PNC are supporting them in that venture? Jesus Christ!

Why is it that Asiedu Nketia, Nii Noi Dorwuona, and Gabriel Pwamang are making uncle JB believe that they also believe that politics is about amassing wealth for oneself?

After what Ataa Ayi K4 and his gang of marauding thieves have done to Ghanaians, another bunch of politicians are dreaming of getting power to let the people down again? Ei!!!

Well, thanks to the resilience of Ghanaians, that document that was signed by the 4 General Secretaries would not see the light of day.

Yes, that document would remain on the shelves of the IEA and would NEVER get the blessings of Ghanaians.

There are lots of things happening and the IEA is not commenting yet it wants to create a safe corridor for thieving politicians to run away with their loot.

Let some group of politicians and their sponsors dare toy with the feelings of Ghanaians and they would see the way Ghanaians would deal with them.

We don’t want any amendment to any law; let the law stay as it is.

After all if you don’t willfully cause financial loss to the state how would the law come after you?

So le it be there so that those who willfully cause financial loss to the state would be made to spend time behind bars as a way of deterring others from also causing financial loss to the state.

And for those who say that the “willful” aspect of the law is too broad and subject to all sorts of interpretation, let them know that judges have the right to determine whether a case has merit or is frivolous before allowing trail proceedings to start and so it is not possible that just anybody can get up and charge people with willfully causing financial loss and have the case tried.

Of course, when you have a government like the NPP in place, anything is possible but under a Mills led government, the law would not be arbitrarily used to persecute political opponents and so those who have done no wrong have nothing to fear.

As for the likes of Osarfo Marfo, Hackman Owusu Agyeman, Kwamena “Ananias” Bartels, Jake Obetsebi Lamptey, J.H. Mensah and co who have true acts of theirs deliberately and willfully caused huge financial loss to the state, they certainly would have questions to answer.

The law is a GOOD law and it must stay.

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