Opinions of Saturday, 21 June 2003

Columnist: Adomako-Gyimah, Julian

Thoughts Of A Ghanaian In UK


It is just unbelievable to know that armed robbers are still operating and causing mayhem in our motherland and I wonder what is being done to curb this situation. The golden age that the President keeps talking about will only be a dream if this problem isn't controlled or eliminated completely as no investor will like to come to a country where there are unfavourable socio-cultural factors. This is a very important macro-economic factor and thus it is time President Kuffour does something about this before it gets out of hand.

Ghanaians abroad are always willing to come home and help build the economy ut who isn't scared to die and lose all that he's acquired in several years in just a day. If the most sorrupt government in the history of Ghanaian politics could control this then the present government should do better with all the noise they've been making so as to attract investors. Why can't the police get to such scenes in time after all the vehicles they've been provided with. Wonders will never end in Sikakrom.

Armed robbers seem to have brought the whole nation to a standstill and it is time this is stopped considering the fact that the police far outnumber this criminals. This will get out of hand and investors will lose confidence in the nation as they read all this on the internet from time to time. Ghanaians have suffered enough and thus politicians wil hae to try and live by their words and they seem to lie to the people all the time.

We will eradicate poverty and reduce employment. These were the words and most of these politicians bu have they lived to expectation at al. Not at all as armed robbery is partly due to the high ratte of unemployment. A word to the wise is enough


It is just unfortunate for certain individuals who only made a living through politics to come out and throw dust into our eyes all the time.Once upon a time, there lived a man who used to buy beans and gari on credit just because he could hardly make ends meet. He was so skinny that everyone thought he would die at one point. With the help of some radicals in the army at the time, he found himself in the hot seat of the President and he began to amass wealth right from day one. he started gaining weight and killed so many Ghanaian businesses and the rich really suffered in the hands of this tyrant. In my opinion, he is the most cruel and worst President that our motherland has ever seen

His government was entangled with corruption and all his cabinet ministers became rich at the expense of the poor tax payer. No wonder Victor Selormey and Kwame Peprah are languishing in jail at the moment. They really deserve it. It is unfortunate for this corrupt man to come out and say that 15 people in Kuffour's government know the key to unlock the mysterious deaths of women in the country. He is just evil and a liar. This whole thing started just before he left the office as President and I really know a British Businessman who left Ghana because of the actions of these "murderers".

There is only one person who knows the key to these mysterious murders and that person Is Jerry John Rawlings. His belief in occultism makes him love blood and he should better shut up and stop deceiving Ghanaians. We all know that he isn't an angel but a "devil" so please go away from us. He should tell me where he got the money to buy a ?250,000 pound house for his kids out here in the UK? Did he not do this at the expense of Ghanaians.

Stop blabbing and rot in the dark Mr Ex-President as you have nothing to offer Ghanaians


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