The intended deportation of and withdrawal of Luke?s license is outrageous, unfair and will harm our image both home and abroad. The recommendation of David Apeatu is as perverse as anything that I have seen or read. Democratic regimes do not use the CID to investigate commercial cases ? the courts must be the final arbiters of all commercial cases. The NPP Government of all Government?s must understand this .It is a cardinal raison d? etre of our existence, the reason for us coming to power ? to defend the weak against the strong; the unarmed civilian against the armed military; the powerless against the powerful and the small person against the state.
Deportation orders are used by totalitarian regimes and even at this late stage I appeal to the President not to append his name to this grotesque and unlawful act, as it will send out all the wrong messages. .If shareholders and other party members have their personal agendas they must fight it out on the turfs not to bring the government and for that matter the President?s ?s name into disrepute. If the NPP will not use the courts then it must be bold enough to refer it to a judicial review.
The courts must be given the opportunity to decide. Why pay huge amounts of cash to train commercial judges in Denmark/UK and then turn to a spurious, kangaroo court when it pleases us? The considered opinion of David Apeatu must be tested in court.
How can David deduce from the facts that Luke will use other people? money for his won personal gain? Has Like defrauded any Ghanaian? Has he stolen any cash from the government? Has the Australian Government or any court in the world ask for Luke?s extradition? Is Luke not married to a Ghanaian? Extract From David?s Report
? It is therefore our considered opinion that the subject does not have the required capital to invest in this ambitious airline business in Ghana. He is going to use other people?s money for his own personal gain. We therefore suggest that his Air Carriers Licence be withdrawn altogether?. Whose considered opinion ? the CID? INTERPOL? When did the CID and Interpol become involved in commercial cases?
Travesty of Justice
What a whitewash- on David?s reasoning there will be no venture capital? Companies will not be listed on the stock exchange to raise cash/banks will not be allowed to lend to prospective businesses on speculation and the Ghana Government will not receive any aid as it is other people?s monies ? tax payers in the west.Come of it ? Ghana is not a One- Party State and one day the NDC/PNC/CPP or any new government will use this draconian, undemocratic, unfair, tyrannical measure against one of our businessmen.
When my senior Brother Nana Antwi Adjei Kufuor Nkusou hene of Nkawie was slapped at Gondar Barracks in my presence and I felt powerless to act, I made a promise to myself. I promised the Lord that if you find favor with us and you give us the chance to rule Ghana ? I would never remain silent in the face of injustice. I will remain silent if Luke is tried in a proper court of Law and found guilty-that will be acceptable but a deportation order ?no! No! No! . Do not sign the deportation order ? Mr. President- your legacy as a true democrat is at stake- it will not be David Apeatu, Francis Poku and the security agencies whose name will be mentioned when Luke? s sordid affair is raised and discussed by our children and grandchildren ? it will be Kufuor. Your legacy is extremely important to us and we will fight tooth and nail to preserve your untarnished legacy as a true democrat who walks the world stage shoulder high.
Even now when Shawcross is mentioned it is Nkrumah who gets the blame not the then Head of CID or Immigration. Mr. President Let the courts decide on deportations even if it involves national security.
God Bless our Country