Opinions of Saturday, 19 April 2008

Columnist: Kufuor, Appiah Danquah

UNACCEPTABLE- Peter do not Accept Alan’s resignation letter

Alan’s decision to resign from the NPP party is simply not on. We have all seen and heard snippets of his reasoning but Alan’s resignation cannot and must not be accepted by the Party. I am not going to enter into any semantic dialogue or infantile debate on the merits, strengths, popularity or votes that Alan would bring to the Party neither would I engulf or engage myself in the nonsensical claptrap of Asante/Akim divisions within the Party. The NPP will and must remain a “broad church” not a Jehovah Witness sect.

Alan is fully justified in feeling aggrieved and pissed off by certain behavior patterns within party apparatchiks during the elections of the flag bearer. Some of us have had the opportunity and chance to debate privately the reasoning behind their actions and the intent consequences of their behavior at Legon.

As members of the Party, most members do argue, debate, fight and have their usual banter and disagreements. There are at times when nominees of the President to high positions have been rejected by the party and have been accepted by the President. That is the nature of the democratic traditions of the NPP, big enough to agree to disagree and humble enough to be the servant party. A true democratic party operating within the “jungle maze” of Africa.

I would not have written this piece if I felt the consequences of Alan’s actions would have no impact on the party, country and future of our grandchildren. The truth of the matter is disunity in the ranks of the NPP would spell doom and disaster for the country, party and hopes of many millions.

Let us go for broke – We must have an informed and adult debate as soon as possible. The nature of the primaries; perceived injustices; unnecessary divisions; silencing of alternative views and imposition of ideas are some of the issues that can be addressed at a national conference. Some of our perceived leaders do piss all of us off by their language, attitude and hellish behavior but a family has “all sorts”.

I made no apologies and I pull no punches. President Kufuor is arguably one of the best democrats in modern sub-Sahara Africa. Under his Presidency the NPP, the country and the poor has done quiet well.

For example, he has introduced the first National Health Insurance Scheme in sub- Sahara Africa, the first School- Feeding Programme in Africa , the National Employment Programme, the National Community Nursing Programme, Huge socio- economic infrastructure, the expansion of telecommunication, the excellent management of our economy under Comrade Baah, the repeal of the notorious Criminal Libel laws, the tremendous Press freedoms, the massive inflow of tourist and Diaspora funding, the high international standing of our country, the massive investment flow and to top it all the “oil find”.

Alan, you were part of this team from day one. Old man entrusted you with a lot, you were a pillar of the party. Many young people look up to you do not disappoint us. To those that have a lot is required of them.

You cannot and must not leave the ship at this critical stage. Remember Victor Owusu and Paa Willie- “remember the ides of March” .It is your turn, our turn to support Nana Akuffo Addo to continue the good works. For the sake of the party, country and in particular our children and grand children rescind your decision.

Ghana and the NPP need you. Peter, do not accept Alan’s resignation letter.

See you in Accra next week...

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