Opinions of Friday, 20 January 2012

Columnist: Owusu-Gyamfi, Clifford

UPP condemns President Mills for sacking A-G

United Peoples Party (UPP) is an "emerging new political party in Ghana which is calling on all Ghanaians especially the youth and those in the diaspora to rally behind the party to restore hope, growth, and human dignity, create a nation where people will have upward mobility in achieving happiness in their lives, provide the means to undo the hardship of the underprivileged by creating economic programs to improve the quality of life of all Ghanaians and to establish aggressive policies for zero tolerance of corruption in all aspects of Ghanaian life and create opportunities for people to develop a culture of accountability and demand same from all government officials and themselves," today has reacted to the sudden firing of the Atorney General Mr. Amidu Martin as a passionate unprofessional event.

In a close discussion with the leaders of the party, Mr. Kwame Atakora, co-founder of the Party said, "Ghanaians are witnessing yet another mafia style of governance; either you are with us or against us." He continued that "This is a reprehensible behavior that must be strongly condemned. What I expect is, key members in government to come out and express their outmost disenchantment about this awful and erratic behavior of our President."

Mr. Amidu who is now in charge of cocaine-turned soda case and the controversial Wayome's billions of cedis rip off has faced his premature term in office for according to sources raising unsupported allegations against some Ministers in Mills administration and failure to prove it with facts in close doors with President Mills. President Mills couldn't hold his fire till the cock crow fired and ripped off the high portfolio gown of the Atorney General.

"I think the president has passionately acted the contrary in close doors." Said UPP member. "Since he didn't mention any Minister's name, whoever felt offended should have publicly taken the Atorney General on which in this case is absent only in dark chambers. Now the man who was handling a very serious case is fired, so who will carried it out?"

The sad firing of the Atorney General and Minister of Justice Mr. Amidu Martin for his "misconduct" before the president in a close door talk has been an unfortunate and a very sharp event that has cropted up in President Mill's three years administration.

by Clifford Owusu-Gyamfi