Opinions of Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Columnist: Bolus, Mercy Adede

Un-milked resource - Goat's milk

In Ghana and the rest of Africa goats are free-range animals. Many villages and rural areas do have them as livestock animals.

Everyone knows that milk is a very important health beverage yet many can afford to buy it. In Ghana many resort to only buy the Ideal milk and even only use it in our early morning cup of tea of porridge. Are we investing in the milk industry at all? I am sure that although some cows milked in Ghana it is not a mass production business. How about introducing goat milk in our tea of cups.

Goat milk however is a niche industry in some developed world. Ghana and the rest of Africa are those who should perhaps tap into this niche market. After all, goats are free range in Ghana, we use them as meat, but do not use them for cheese, milk etc. Do we know that goat milk is even healthier than cow’s milk? Goat milk’s do not emit methane gases and they incur less production cost unlike cows. Why don’t poor villages invest in having a herd of goat rather than cows and start a promising career. Goat –breeding require minimal capitalization and maintenance. This could be started in any small home business.

I am pleading with all Paramount chiefs to join forces together with their communities and form co-operative farms. This would strengthen their power in starting a goat breeding business their communities. This would not only open opportunities for the young but also create job opportunities for the adult population.

Why do we plead poverty to those who have worked hard, developed their world and provided a stable foundation for generations to come? In Ghana have human capital and land to start up goat breeding businesses in cheese and milk production.

Why do we still plead poverty in the midst of raw untapped resources? Ghanaians let us walk tall and work our socks off to turn our weakness of poverty into making Ghana as the true land of Gold.

Thus we can also improve the poverty situations in most of our communities and generate much-needed funds to build public toilets, libraries and town halls.
