Opinions of Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana

Up From The Grave Mills Arose

“Up from the grave he arose, with a mighty triumph o’er his foes, he arose a victor from the dark domain and lives forever with the saints to reign, he arose, he arose, hallelujah Mills arose”.

Whoever they are, they have been trying for close to four years to kill Asomdwehene John Evans Atta Mills but at every turn of the road, the hand of God is on his beloved son in whom he is well pleased and so the evil ones never succeed in killing the learned professor.

I do not intend to equate John Evans Atta Mills to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, but I know that the hand of God is on Atta Mills and so no amount of juju and wishful thinking will kill the learned professor before his appointed time.

First, it was cancer, then stroke, then diabetes, then blindness, and now, it is the ultimate, death.

How evil and wicked can people be?

What is it about Atta Mills, that is making it impossible for his enemies to hide the fact that they wish him dead?

What crime has Atta Mills committed such that he is the only politician in Ghana who is being pursued by battalions of evil and wicked persons?

For me, I have racked our brains and can come up with only one reason why people are wishing the man dead: he will be a president who will prove to all and sundry that with a God-given vision and a genuine will to succeed, Ghana can become a heaven on earth.

It is the good in the heart and mind of Atta Mills and how means well for Ghana, that the devil is trying very hard to prevent the people of Ghana from benefiting from.

As we know, the devil dislikes all good things and so Lucifer and his Ghanaian agents are trying very hard to kill Atta Mills by any means possible. But they lie bad!

It is precisely because all their attempts to kill the learned professor both physically and spiritually are failing, that is why they are now attempting to bury him alive.

After Freddie Blay and Gina Blay’s Daily Guide was exposed two weeks ago for shamelessly concocting a story about Atta Mills falling into a coma and being rushed to South Africa for medical treatment, the modus operandi of the evil ones changed this time around.

This time around, they decided to use the internet to start the rumour about the imagined death of the learned professor.

Just like Atta Mills spoke from South Africa to freeze the Daily Guide story, the learned professor spoke again from South Africa to put the story about his supposed death on ice.

And certainly, Atta Mills was not speaking from his grave. Besides, dead men don’t talk do they?

The NPP and some enemies within the NDC, know that when it comes to, corruption, immorality, a questionable academic record, a questionable public service record, the question of addiction to hard drugs, etc, Atta Mills would pass with a 100% stainless record and so they have decided to make his health the subject of their destructive agenda.

For the information of the evil ones, now that they have killed Atta Mills and he has woken up from the dead, there is very little they can do to stop Atta Mills from reaching the castle.

Yes, what else can they do to the man after he has resurrected from the dead?

I ask again; now that Atta Mills has defied death and woken up, just like Jesus Christ did after his crucifixion, what else will the, Judas Iscariots, Pharisees, Sadducees, and Romans do to stop Atta Mills from letting his message of righteousness and salvation reach every nook and cranny of Ghana?

What other story will they manufacture about the health/death of Atta Mills?

Or now they will tell us that Atta Mills, because he refused to die, is a spirit and not a human being and so Ghanaians should reject somebody from the spirit world as their president?

Or they will start telling people that Atta Mills is a ghost and so they should not vote for a ghost?

I am not in the mind of God, but I have no doubt that the Good Lord will make sure that Atta Mills does not die before his appointed time.

Yes, from my little association with scripture, I can say with a fair measure of certainty that Atta Mills is under the protective wings of the Most High God.

All other gods, are the works of men and once the Most High God has not willed it that Atta Mills should die before his appointed time, no amount of evil human machinations shall stop Atta Mills from becoming the saviour and redeemer of Mother Ghana.

Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall run and not be tired, and they shall be buried by the evil desires of their political opponents but shall wake up from the dead and walk to glory and higher heights.

Atta Mills has a clean heart and it is his clean heart that shall make him continue to sour like an eagle over and above his enemies and for the enemies to pass on to the other world long before Atta Mills does.

It has already been ordained and written in the heavens that Atta Mills shall become the next Leader of Ghana, and do amount of evil deeds both inside and outside the NDC, shall change the destiny of John Evans Atta Mills.

Go Atta Mills go, for the good people of Ghana are waiting for you to take them from the path of unrighteousness onto the path of righteousness.

“Up from the grave he arose, with a mighty triumph o’er his foes, he arose a victor from the dark domain and lives forever with the saints to reign, he arose, he arose, hallelujah Mills arose”.

Who Jah bless, no man curse.

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