Opinions of Thursday, 3 December 2015

Columnist: Daily Guide

Useless Enterprise

We have been counseled by our swelling list of patrons not to waste valuable editorial space on political nonentities.

These esteemed Ghanaians, their population admiringly massive, would rather we concentrate on highlighting the incompetence-induced management of the economy and the drowning challenges thereof.

We are constrained, however, to beg of them to demur just this once for the purpose of exposing the envy-driven efforts of the charlatans, even as we stand on the edge of the gutter where they are ensconced.

The Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), we are told, lavished the ample time especially offered him by one of the rented radio stations in town to as it were embark on a scum-throwing spree at DAILY GUIDE.

Just what this is intended to achieve when Ghanaians are hungry for the truth about the causes of their sorry state even in the face of bountiful natural and human resource is beyond immediate comprehension. We can however attribute this to inter alia political mischief and an obsession to prop the mendacious enterprise otherwise referred to as propaganda – now a cornerstone of the NDC government: DAILY GUIDE continues to counter these through truthful and balanced exposure much to their anguish.

A few people who heard Koku Anyidohu could not help finding the enterprise so repulsive that they altered the frequency: they spoke of glaring display of ignorance by a man consumed by envy at the phenomenal growth of DAILY GUIDE.

But for such calls, we would not have heard about what by all standards was empty air serving only as a vent for his bottled frustration. We rarely listen to such cacophonous garbage, too busy with more serious business of serving our esteemed readers and the good people of Ghana.

The phenomenal growth of the newspaper from its humble genesis in a garage to becoming a force to reckon with in the industry, we point out with humility, appears to give him nightmare.

When a business experiences a growth such as the one Almighty God has blessed the Western Publications Limited with, the development offers lessons for those who have failed to make it to that notch.

We have consistently run a newspaper, not a propaganda sheet for any political party. That is why our pages contain stories from a broad spectrum of local politics, an objective content analysis would show.

We have been credited with important contributions towards national development and continue to do so. A company which employs hundreds of Ghanaians and meets its tax obligations is an anointed one and should not be subjected to the machinations of nincompoops.

Do we deserve castigation for reporting about Ghanaian youth joining ISIS or GNPC dissipating public money on severance handshake for selected persons in society?

Should we not report about the corruption that has permeated the country and threatening its survivability?

God save this good country from the acerbic tongues of good-for-nothing politicians who think politics is all about lying about their opponents and engaging in open thievery of state coffers.