Opinions of Thursday, 27 December 2007

Columnist: Bolus, Mercy Adede

Was Africa the chosen place for Christ Jesus' up bringing?

Ghanaians and other African nations are making a silly mistake by rubbishing our continent and choosing the Western culture the preferred choice. Only fools will behave this way. In Matthew chapter 2: 13 - 23 you will find that an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said to Joseph get up and take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. The angel ordered Joseph to stay in Egypt until he tells him to get out from there for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him. Joseph did exactly as the angel had advised in his dream and went to Egypt until the death of Herod.

Africans must make no mistake in thinking that the western cultures are the best in bringing our children. They’re some kind of cultures in the Western but then not all of such cultures are brilliant for the up bringing of children. If one could reflect whose that are there were pinched from other countries due to immigration of people and also the upper class society who have been fortunate and travel wide travel across the world.

Why are we as Ghanaians copying blindly instead explaining and teaching significance of the African clutters as compared top the western cultures?

A recent trip I made to Spain this year highlighted the significance of cultures and hence my sharing through my article. Whilst visiting a visiting a friend in the central Spain, her father –in- law who had met me before spotted us in town, and said why not come to my home too and for just a cup of water. I laughed knowing that this was exactly what we did in the Ghana. Well we went to his house the next day and my word this old man offered us a water first as he promised before going on to offer me soft drinks, some nibbles and two expensive wines to take back to with me. On the way out, I highlighted the significance of the water to our host who simply said my father in law is a backward person. However she was shocked when I pointed out the significance of the offering me the water. Spanish culture I observed is very much like ours however, the youths are failing to appreciate their own culture and their heritage.

Another interesting observations I made was that the Spain also eat together from one bowl and drink from one cup, like a communion in some churches or homes. Why do we put down our cultures when we have visitors from different cultures as my host did? God indeed choose Africa for Jesus’ upbringing because we have so much to offer our children and the youth yet various governments have failed to acknowledge this pride and chosen to copy the western society as their preferred choice of emulating best practices. Yes some of our own cultures are barbaric and need to be reviewed and evaluation before encouraging further practices but others need to be acknowledged in schools, churches and the communities.

If we go to any church in the western world and you will never get that electric feelings we get from an African church.

Every Ghanaian or African should be proud of who they are and not allow any one to belittle us because of our colour. What we fail to remember is that even when we die we are still beautiful as compared to our white skins brothers and sisters in the Western world. We should stand tall and claim this recognition that God choose Egypt to the Western world for Jesus’ upbringing which means God preferred our way of living of helping each other in times of need rather than the selfish attitude of me, myself and I.

Some Ghanaians in Ghana and Europe are even failing their children by speaking English at home when both parents are Ghanaians. How sad indeed! When our children return home with us we expect our grand parents who missed attending formal education to speak fluent English language with our children. Who are we kidding? Perhaps those parents of such children would provide translators for their children 24/7 and thus limiting their to network with the locals.

We are allowing ourselves to be ridiculed as the third world country with the word poverty stricken population as our surnames. Never! The chosen people by God we African have made this ridiculing to happen because various leaders have let the continent down very badly. Africa is a blessed continent with the sun shining 24/7, rivers, minerals, human resources, seas, mountains, valleys but our problem lack of creativity and vision for the future direction. Thus forgetting that all these are leading the continent into a poverty stricken black hole. Come on African Continent and leaders wake up? It is about time that we do realise your full potential to lead the world and become the market leaders in all aspects of commerce.

Email: mercyadede.bolus@tiscali.co.uk