Opinions of Monday, 3 April 2006

Columnist: Kwasi Ghanaba

We Beg Your Pardon Mr. President

We beg your pardon, Mr. President.
We beg your pardon because the pardon you plan to give this time is not yours to give.

They call it due process and some people are overdue.
We beg your pardon Mr. Kufour.

Somebody said ?Opana? will break a window, or will steal a neighbor?s goat. Opana will be jailed in Ghana for life. Narcotic dealers and peddlers should serve more than life where they are. Mr. President, do not bring them home. They do not deserve your pardon at the expense of the law abiding and tax paying citizens of Ghana.

We beg your pardon Mr. President because the mandate that we gave you was based on our trust in you to focus on developing our resources internally and to lift us from the economic woes that we find ourselves in. We beg your pardon Mr. President.

Our brothers and sisters get Big Ben (and Big Ben is Time) for misdemeanor offences in Ghana. Most of the offences are the direct result of Government?s inability and lack of foresight in addressing the economic issues that the nation faces. They are serving time--- Time in the Big House, and the Big House is Nsawam prisons, Usher Fort or some similar facility for incarceration in Ghana while your appointed officials, our extended first family and their friends and cronies who are embezzling from we the poor Ghanaians everyday, are still serving their time in Luxury homes and mansions. We beg your Pardon Mr. President.

We beg your Pardon because somehow this planned Pardon does not sit correctly. Mr. President. We also beg your pardon this NPP-led Parliament because, we found out that eight out of every ten deprived families in Ghana has a relative who is in Jail. Eight out of ten in jail never had any education; they didn?t have ?5,000 in their pockets and have never managed ?10,000 before they went to the Big House. They could never find the jobs that you promised them in 2000. They also couldn?t afford three meals a day for their families, and could hardly afford a meal a day for themselves when they went to jail. So only the poor and the deprived in our society are in the Big House. Meanwhile, the rich white collar government officials, (Ghana?s official criminals) are languishing comfortably in their luxurious homes in Ghana or engaging in big time drug deals abroad at the expense of the poor Ghanaian tax payer.

We beg your pardon NPP; we beg your pardon because we understand much more deeply than we understood before. But, while we beg your pardon Mr. President, we plead with you not to take the already issued pardons back. In fact, we want to issue some more. We would like to pardon Ataa Ayi, he was only a mass murderer.

Pardon Mr. Philip Baffour-Awuah, your nephew who you engaged to conduct the numerous forensic audits that eventually incarcerated Kwame Peprah, Victor Selormey et al. We beg your pardon to pay him the outstanding ?950,000,000 (nine hundred and fifty million cedis) on his forensic audit engagement. Baffour-Awuah needs his payment to enable him to complete his fourth home being built at Tema. We beg your pardon to not dwell on the ?800,000,000 you already paid to him for the same effort. After all, he was only doing your dirty work.

Again, Pardon Philip Bafour-Awuah, the premiere and only forensic auditor Ghana has ever known. Ghana will need him again to conduct more forensic audits in the near future. We hope his rates will be more reasonable then.

Pardon Alhaji Insha Allah, your first Minister for sports it was only an oversight. Alhaji didn?t know better that he needed for you and your family members to fill their coffers before he did his;

Pardon Veronica Kufour your cousin the ambassador who has put up three mansions in four years of being an ambassador. She could hardly pay her rent as a mere engineer for the Ghana Water Company;

Pardon the NRC chairman and members of the NRC for collecting billions of cedis accumulated from our sacrifices; they could not nail Rawlings and deliver him to you and your wolves because there was nothing there;

Pardon Eric Amoateng he was only continuing where he left his fund raising efforts. He started a bit too early to raise funds for NPP?s campaign 2008;

Pardon Kofi Osei-Ameyaw he only duped the Filipino family to help your campaign to extend your term for one more year; and pardon us while we get sick. Because you pardoned Alhaji Muctar Bamba, he forged your signature used your office as an extension to the various embassies where he issued visas from for your NPP sympathizers. You pardoned him for bringing our highest office on the land to disrepute. You also compensated Bamba for his crimes by appointing him Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.

Ghanaians are still in shock that you have pardoned the murderers of the Ya-Na and the forty-something people. Ghanaians lead the world in shock.

We understand all the more deeply as Tamale prepares to become Bagdad, become Darfur, becomes Konkomba or Nanumba all over again. We understand and we beg your pardon. We understand and we beg your pardon, President Kufour because we have understanding of Karma; what goes around comes around. And as we understand we beg your pardon as unemployment spirals towards thirty percent (and it seems like eighty percent in my neighborhood, in Sodom and Gomorrah), where I live, we beg your pardon.

Finally, we beg your pardon for all of the lies and all the people whose lives you have ruined, and who look forward to the next elections because they cannot stand to look at this one. We beg your pardon Mr. President because the pardon that you plan to give this time is not yours to give.

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