Opinions of Sunday, 8 March 2015

Columnist: Boateng, Emmanuel Agyemfra

We Can Copy Anything From Nigeria But Not Bokoharam!

BY Emmanuel Agyemfra Boateng

The recent turbulence on religioN is making our dear country uncomfortable for some of us,i dont think this's an issue that should take over our airwaves and news tabloids.

Religious intolerace is slowly creeeping into our once happy and united religious front state and stops to ask what atall is happening?When did this ugly thing start,we have been tolerating each other since Adam was in pampers both in our schools and in our communities.

Nigeria is the biggest Country in West Africa which is also our close ally.We have so many things to learn from them;Movies,Culture,Oil exploration and other beneficial things and they intend learn from us many things,but when it comes to Religious Intolerace,we atimes jokingly say we cant copy them!
Boko Haram has deterioted the African Oil giants into a cemetary,where it is scary to go at night.All the big names in Nigeria are all relocating to Ghana becuase of the fear of Boko Haram and their deadly dealings.Yes,we can never and will never want to copy Bokoharamism from Nigeria.
What is a Christian student who attends T.I AMASS going to loose if she is told to wear hijab for only two and half years in the school and not to set up a SU in the school,the same thing applies to a Muslim who attends Christ the King Catholic Senior High who is asked to attend worships on Wednesday but not forced to say hail Mary the Lords prayer or recite the Rosary.All these things happens for just two and half years in school and doesn't take the Islamic or Christian from any one!
I personally dont side with statements from the major stakeholders;Muslim caucaus in the Ghanaian parliament,Communications Minister,GMSA,Catholic Bishop Conference and the Ministry of Education.What has changed untill today,dont we have Muslims attending all the Missions in Ghana since Independence and vice versa.
Those flaming the passions on social media and on tabloids should please put a stop to it before it escalates!Citifmoline on Wednesday 4/3/2015 for about three hours posted only on this Religious friction in the schools.Other renowed personalities on social media are also doing worse which needs to be curbed.
Our Nigerian brothers are not even praying to see Ghana go through what they are going through.We should all come together as one nation and promote peace other than politicizing everything under sun!
We should be securiy concious and guaard our boders,territorial waters and the air against any intrusion of some bad people who might take this opportunity to cause mayhem in our beloved country.

Contact the writer on 0249542342/0508609109.....emmanuelagyenfra@yahoo.com