Opinions of Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Columnist: Agya Kwaku Ogboro

We know corruption when we see it!

“I won’t insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said” – William F. Buckley Jnr.

I’ve heard it said that people would say bad things about you because it is the only way their insignificant self can feel better than you. I’ve pondered over the axiom and couldn’t help but see the wisdom in it.

We were all in this country when, not too long ago, the Bank of Ghana ordered the takeover of two banks by the Ghana Commercial bank because of insolvency. We heard and saw how people who epitomize the word failure gleefully lampooned a man whose accomplishment they would fail to equal even if given a thousand years by the Bearded Old Man above.

Dr. Mensa Otabil rightfully replied them when he said people who were down were kicking him because that would make them feel important. Indeed, he hit the nail right on the head when he said his unfortunate situation had given people who epitomized the word insult the temerity to insult him. “That is the reality,” he concluded, and I agree with him.

I’ve also heard it said that a hypocrite is more dangerous than a dishonest man. This is because a dishonest man deceives and cheats, while a hypocrite betrays and swindles. After pondering over the axiom, I beg to disagree. A hypocrite is as dangerous as a dishonest person because they are one and the same. Hypocrisy and dishonesty are two sides of the same coin.

About three weeks ago, we woke up to the shout of “corruption, corruption, corruption at the Flagstaff House”. Unlike his predecessor, President Nana Dee promptly prompted the police to investigate the matter. The police investigated the allegation and described it as crying wolf where there was none.

I was therefore taken aback when news of a tape recording of the accuser and a policewoman surfaced on both the social and traditional media. I’ve listened to the tape and must admit the content is interesting. But whether doctored or not, one question keeps on ringing on my mind: Where is the corruption that is being alleged in the matter?

I asked the question knowing very well that my compatriots and I can identify corruption when we see it. Corruption is when over $2 million is budgeted for “capacity building”, yet we are not told of even a single person whose capacity has been built. Corruption is when the cost of bus branding is inflated and the loot used in lining pockets. Corruption is when a bespectacled baldheaded greedy bastard colludes with equally greedy government officials to “woyomize” the state. Corruption is when few trees are planted in the dry season, left to wither and the state made to pay for the cost of thousands of trees.

Abusuapanin, I can give a thousand instances of practical corruption, if I so desire. So believe me when I say we know corruption when we see it. Indeed, the traits of corruption are such that one can perceive it a thousand miles away. Frankly, I do not perceive any trait of corruption in this saga.

Fortunately, Wofa Kwaku Bee, aka Mr Documents, has managed to intercept the statement the accuser made to the police. Wofa Kwaku read it on Newsfile and there was nothing about corruption in there. Unless maybe the statement Wofa Kwaku read on Newsfile came from a different planet.

Ironically, those shouting their voices hoarse on this saga are the very people who defended, and continue to defend, pure thievery and corruption. Hypocrisy it is called, isn’t it?

Hypocrisy is when you defend a $100,000 Ford Expedition bribe and go about accusing others of corruption. Hypocrisy is defending GYEEDA and SADA scandals and then turnaround to accuse innocent persons of corruption. Hypocrisy is to engage in numerous “create, loot and share” schemes and then turnaround and call others nation wreckers. Indeed, hypocrisy is when an overused pot goes about calling a fairly used kettle black.

I was with a friend when one greedy bastard was blabbing on radio about his party’s principles and the Elephant’s destructive nature. My reaction surprised my friend and he wondered why I was so angry. I told him I did not have a short temper, but only have zero tolerance for hypocrites.

My unsolicited counsel to the accuser is this: I won’t insult his intelligence by suggesting he believes his own story. I believe he started the allegation as a prank but was compelled to produce a semblance of evidence to the police to support his prank. Only his continuous insistence to the contrary would make me start having second thoughts about his intelligence. But when next he decides to accuse others of corruption, he should remember that his compatriots can perceive traits of corruption a thousand miles away!

See you next week for another interesting konkonsa, Deo volente!