Opinions of Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Columnist: ghanacrusader.com

We need innovative ways to manage our waste

The Accra compost site should be expanded since we now need more compost sites The Accra compost site should be expanded since we now need more compost sites

The recent price increase by the waste management companies has to prompt us as a nation to find innovative ways to deal with our waste .

As a nation, it is sad to note that we have gotten into such a situation and we even need constant education as how to go about it, to talk of recycling.

The issue has gotten to the point that, most land owners and areas involved now do not want to give out lands for landfill sites.

This should serve as a wake up call for us that we should not sit down for this waste to ”swallow us”.

What happened to the Accra compost site in my view should be expanded since we now need more compost sites as well.

It is no news that, waste management companies are struggling to even find land fill sites as some have to go as far as Winneba to dump refuse and that has caused them to increase the price of waste they carry.

It is time as citizens in our beloved Ghana, ask ourselves how can I manage the waste I make ? since this waste management euphoria is a trait we need to pick up as soon as possible.