Opinions of Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Columnist: Simon Aikins

When did radio stations become marriage counseling hubs?

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One virtually wakes up to one marital issue or the other making the rounds on a plethora of radio stations daily. Is it that radio stations currently lack content and, to make up for the gaping hole, fill such slots with such discussions, or have they realized that listeners enjoy sensational stories, hence the need to cater to the demand?

A cursory glance at some of the radio stations that discuss marital challenges and the attempt to proffer solutions would sometimes put one off. Some of the hosts hold some accused persons to the hosts' standards of marriage, shoving their beliefs down the throats of their guests in some instances, which is not only unfair but also does not bode well for resolving marital challenges.

Also, the language sometimes used is unhealthy. In some instances, guests are verbally abused by hosts and callers, which should not be tolerated on any serious show worth its salt. In some extreme cases, the hosts are not spared by callers when they realize a host is being unduly unfair. Vulgar and swear words that are not permitted on radio are allowed to fly all in the name of settling squabbles between a couple.

Surprisingly, most of the issues discussed center on men who have reneged on their duties. Although discussing the repugnant behaviors of some men is not bad, the never-ending concentration on men's shortcomings makes it look like such programs are designed to make men unpopular.

Nevertheless, men should learn to own up to their responsibilities to avoid being judged in the court of public opinion. It is not a pleasant experience to be dragged down for not doing what is right.

Those hired to moderate some of these programs are not professional marriage counselors, per their utterances and advice. You will cringe when you hear some of the advice given to couples to alleviate their discomfort, questioning what went into the consideration of putting such a person on the radio to discuss family disputes. That notwithstanding, some good ones have used their noble platforms to achieve good results.

Why not seek the guidance of certified counselors when in dire straights? These professionals will not disclose any information shared and will offer tried and tested solutions, but some couples prefer to engage the services of those who are ignorant about marriage counseling and end up compounding their problems.

Have couples lost faith in resolving marital challenges amicably all by themselves? What is the use of their families if they cannot help bring a lasting solution to any problem? What happened to the God factor in marriage? It is just delusional to think that airing your marital difficulties on the radio will give you all the required solutions.

It is time to review some of these programs by engaging professionals who will sanitize the airwaves because some hosts are currently doing more harm than good.

Attempting to resolve marital conflicts through a radio station is one of the least effective methods for making a marriage work. Couples should just purpose in their hearts that, come what may, they will not be a topic for discussion by an ignorant host and some unknown callers. They must resolve to respectfully and diligently make peace reign supreme in their union.