Opinions of Saturday, 3 February 2024

Columnist: John Kwame Duodu

Where will Ghana be tomorrow: A future with NPP or NDC?

Ghana flag Ghana flag

Once again, Ghana stands at the crossroads of major political decision-making, where the actions taken today will shape the future of the nation. In this regard, the citizenry must examine the strengths and weaknesses of the two leading political parties; the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC), to determine which of the two is better
suited to deliver the prosperity we all yearn for.

It can however be confidently argued that, considering its policies, governance track record, and commitment to development, Ghana's future seems more promising with the NPP than the NDC.

 Policy focus:

The NPP has consistently focused on policies prioritizing economic growth, job creation, and private-sector development. Their emphasis on market-led policies such as the "One District, One Factory" initiative and the "Planting for Food and Jobs" program showcases their commitment to driving Ghana's economic expansion and agricultural revolution. 

In comparison, the NDC has a history of relying heavily on social welfare policies, which end up not being sustainable in the long run.

Resilience in governance:

Historically, the NPP has displayed better resilience in its governance style, steering Ghana through turbulent times while maintaining macroeconomic stability. They have demonstrated their ability to navigate through global economic challenges, such as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This resilience reflects their commitment to sound fiscal management and effective
policy implementation, ensuring Ghana's future stability.

Commitment to fight corruption:

Corruption is a pervasive issue that threatens Ghana's development. The NPP has made commendable strides in combating corruption, as witnessed through their establishment of independent anti-corruption institutions such as the Office of Special Prosecutor and the passage of the Whistleblower Act. While the NDC also recognizes the need to tackle corruption, the NPP's more robust approach suggests a better chance of redressing this issue and fostering a corruption-free environment conducive to development.

Infrastructure development:

Ghana's future heavily depends on robust infrastructure development. The NPP has shown an unwavering commitment to this area through initiatives like the "Ghana Beyond Aid" program and investments in roads, energy, and education. Their comprehensive approach suggests they are better equipped to transform Ghana's infrastructure, propel economic growth, and enhance the quality of life for its citizens.

Education and skills development:

Ensuring Ghana's future prosperity necessitates investing in its human capital. The NPP has consistently demonstrated a commitment to improving education and skills development through the Free Senior High School policy. This commitment is crucial in equipping Ghanaian youth with the necessary skills and knowledge required to compete in a rapidly evolving global economy.

Youth empowerment and employment:

With a significant youth population, Ghana's future prosperity hinges on effectively harnessing the potential of its young people. The NPP has demonstrated a better understanding of this imperative by implementing programs such as the National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Plan, which focuses on job creation and youth empowerment. Providing opportunities and support for Ghana's
youth strengthens their contribution to national development.

I further challenged the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) to also outline “specific Youth-focused policies and programs that they implemented in their 8years administration and the impact it had in the lives of the youth of Ghana.”

The policies of the NPP that have had far-reaching benefits to the youth are over a hundred. But for strategic reasons.

Agriculture and rural development:

Sustainable agricultural development is fundamental to Ghana's future food security and economic growth. The NPP's "Planting for Food and Jobs" initiative aims to modernize agriculture and improve rural livelihoods. This forward-looking approach is critical for reducing rural-urban migration, achieving food security and self-sufficiency, and stimulating rural development.

Stable energy sector:

The NPP has a more credible track record in ensuring a stable and efficient energy sector. Under their leadership, Ghana witnessed significant improvements in power generation capacity. This stability is essential for attracting foreign direct investment, creating jobs, and driving economic growth.

Diplomatic relations and global influence:

Ghana's position on the international stage has a direct impact on its future development prospects. The NPP's ability to maintain strong diplomatic relations across the globe has opened avenues for investment, trade, and development partnerships. Their strategic approach to foreign policy ensures that Ghana's interests are protected and its voice is heard on matters of global importance.


When considering the path Ghana should take towards a brighter future, it becomes apparent that the NPP's policies, governance track record, and commitment to developing the nation make them a more promising choice than the NDC. With their focus on economic growth, resilience in governance, commitment to fighting corruption, infrastructural development, education, inclusive
social development, and visionary leadership, the NPP has proven that they possess the necessary tools to shape Ghana's future positively. By focusing on good governance, supporting entrepreneurship, and implementing well-tailored social interventions, the NPP is best positioned to lead Ghana toward sustainable growth, job creation, and improved standards of living for the
citizens. Hence, the future of Ghana is undeniably more promising under the NPP than the NDC.