Opinions of Thursday, 16 February 2012

Columnist: Kwarkye, Nana Abena Afriyie

Which era are we in, BC 1220 or AD 2012?

*By Nana Abena Afriyie Kwarkye


Good personal hygiene requires that aside all the basic health tips that we aspire to adhere to, we also take good care of our bodies. Even the good book (The Bible) likens our bodies to the temple of God. It is therefore in order if we keep our temples clean, that is indeed the right choice. In recent times, the term personal grooming is used to discribe the need to keep our bodies clean.

In this day and age where the world is advancing at a pace that keeps one panting for breath, it always amazes me when I see such practices in this era. Which era are we in if I may ask? Is it before the death of Christ or after? I expect that we all advance in the technology world that we all find ourselves. The computer world they say.

Funny enough, some people seem to be way behind in this transition. They prefer to wonder and ponder about the change that the world woke up to. Maybe some people are still contemplating and still can’t come to terms with reality. Change I know is not easy, but gradually with the determination of mind we will get there.

I don’t know the number of you out there who have observed what I’m about to share with you. They are usually young men. They carry small bottles filled with a solution of detergent and water. Additionally, they carry scissors, pen knife and other sharp metal objects. Usually they hit the metal objects against each other. By so doing they make an unfamiliar noise just to draw your attention to their presence. They provide a service which in modern terms is called perdicure and manicure.

Surprisingly, I always see people patronize their services. The alarming issue here is that, the instruments that they use are not sterilized. I don’t know how long they have had these instruments, but my investigation show that the same set of instruments are used everyday over a long period of time.

It might interest you to know the number of people who sought for their service. In the market places and other places. I always ask myself, so how much does it cost to buy a razor? Is it that we can’t dedicate at least ten minutes of our time over the weekend to cut off our finger nails and toe nails?

We are all prelude to the dangers associated with sharing sharp instruments.

The deadly HIV/AIDS is just lurking around the corner. In as much as we are mindful of the food and water we take into our tummy, we should take care of our bodies in the same way. Personal grooming is what I call it.

Ladies especially prefer to walk into a nail saloon to have both their finger and toe nails taken care off (few men also do same). Some saloons will make you buy the manicure/perdicure set to be used and afterwards it becomes your own. It can always be used whenever you visit the saloon there after. Most saloons sterilize the instruments which is also not a bad idea.

In conclusion, I will advice everybody to be mindful of the little old fashion practices that we still hold on to. Anytime you come across someone who pays for the service of these mobile pedicure/manicure providers, ask them the era they are in. BC 1220 OR AD 2012 and finally tell them to grow up!!!!!!
