Opinions of Sunday, 2 April 2017

Columnist: peacefmonline.com

Which outspoken MP is nicknamed 'Black Coffin' and why?

Anthony Karbo, Deputy Minister Designate for Roads and Highways Anthony Karbo, Deputy Minister Designate for Roads and Highways

A nickname is a substitute for the proper name of a familiar person, place, or thing. It may refer to a person's occupation, social standing, or title.

A nickname is often considered desirable, symbolising a form of acceptance, but can sometimes be a form of affection or ridicule. In fact, some nicknames are derogatory name calls.

Oftentimes, nicknames are usually awarded to, not chosen by the recipient.

Interestingly, almost everyone, at one point in time in life, had a nickname.

One of such persons is the Deputy Minister Designate for Roads and Highways, Anthony N-yoh Puowele Abayifaa Karbo.

The Member of Parliament for Lawra constituency has over the years won for himself some notable nicknames in private life as well as in political circles.

Famous among them are “Afghanistan”, “Militant”, “Article 71”, and “Black Coffin”. The last one left many scratching their heads including the Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu, for its origination.

He therefore sought to find out from the nominee, how he came by the name when he appeared before the Appointments Committee of Parliament to be vetted.

“Are you aware that you are called Black Coffin, what accounts for that? – He asked

Clearly surprised by that particular question, Karbo hesitantly said – “Mr. Chairman, I grew up in the constituency of the minority leader and his younger brother is my very good friend so I am sure he might have told him about this name”

“Mr. Chairman, growing up, we did a lot of errrrrh…. [Committee Members burst into laughter]… a lot of youthful activities in Tamale. Mr. Chairman on a more serious note I grew up in an age where music was taking seed in Tamale and we used to go from campus to campus to sing and so my stage name at the time was Black Coffin”.
