Opinions of Monday, 13 April 2020

Columnist: Felix Amoako Asare, Contributor

Who will roll the stone?

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When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus' body.

Early the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they set out to the tomb and they asked each other, "Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?" Perhaps they may have forgotten that the Messiah informed them before hand that He will rise up on the third day after His crucifixion which was due on the first day of the week.

This act of anointing Jesus' body was very important to them because it was done to preserve their Lord's body. They were focused on that task.

They were worried as to who would roll the stone from the entrance of the tomb that early morning.

To their utmost surprise, they got there to realize that that burden was taken care of.

"But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away." Mark16:4

The stone that was very Large was taken care of by the angels. Their worries and burdens were taken care of.

In our days and various lives we may have been confronted with certain stones which are hindrance to our going forward, achievements, progress and fulfillment of specific tasks. We may have our focus on the Lord and expect everything to go through but there are stones to be rolled. We sit in sorrow, despair and disappointment and ask ourselves ; who will roll this stone of joblessness?, who will roll this stone of childlessness?, who will roll this stone of promise and fail?, who will roll this stone of hardships and disappointments?, who will roll this stone of sickness and setback?, who is going to roll this large stone of Covid-19 ?, who is going to roll this stone of huge recorded death from this deadly virus?

We pray and we wonder when and how these stones which are not outside the attribute of men will be rolled away.

But our hope and assurance in the Lord is that, just as the angels rolled the stones from the tomb and the three women didn't have to struggle to role the stone anymore, the Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will command His angels to roll out every large stone that has stand as stumbling block in our lives and the entire human race.

Businesses may go down, lives may be lost, normal routine lives may be distorted, we my encounter many hardships and pains but i can assure you that the large stone shall be rolled away.

Things wouldn't be like this forever, situations wouldn't be the same. Trust and have faith that God's plan is always at work. Our call to follow Jesus comes along with hardships and pains but this God we follow is specialised in glorifying Himself in complex and difficult situations like what you are going through in order to glorify Himself.

He is ever faithful. Our walk with Him requires absolute trusts even when situations aren't in our favour.

Beloved don't worry about who will roll the stone- God has taken care of it.
