Opinions of Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Columnist: Citizen Fadi

Why do you blaspheme such – John Mahama?

John Mahama has, finally, garnered courage to make some, scandalously blasphemous, revelations about his, disgraceful, so-called, victory in the December 2012 Presidential elections; a victory that smacked of gross dastardliness, horror and intimidation, secured by the surreptitious hands of evil and collusion.

He attributed this scam to an ordinance from GOD; I b-e-g y-o-u-r p-a-r-d-o-n!!! My humble submission on this matter, a rebuttal if you like, is that "John Mahama's imminent deposal from the highest office of the land has been long ordained, for the evil that men do live with, and after, them, and the audacity of claiming unto GOD what no one can determine but GOD is a gross blasphemy against GOD"!!!

If I were John Mahama, may GOD forbid, I would abdicate the presidency, immediately, before I am ordered to do so by a higher and stronger arm..."that of the rule of law". It will come to noone as a surprise that he is still clinging on but the truth of the matter is that it is so because his scamps-de-aide are fearful of the fate that awaits them…life in a penitentiary. Yes, that is where they belong!!!

How then do we explain the many scandals like the infamous 170 million USD that was traced to his secret account in Switzerland, with Lordina, his wife? How on earth do we explain all the canker in the rotten institutions such as Ministry of Justice and Attorney General et al?

The many scams that went on in the immediate past government for which he was the Vice-President and, subsequently, President were unprecedented in the history of Ghana. So, also, was the massive and horrendous breach of Ghanaians’ civil and natural rights in light of all the violations that were, and still are, going on. It is, also, worth noting that the invitation of calamities is at the instance of the violation of GOD’s Sovereignty over all Creation, hence fire here fire there fire fire everywhere!!!

The blatant treachery by the Immigration service who fleeced foreigners and, especially, the Chinese, charging, in some instances, up to $800 USD per visa, albeit unofficially, with the abetment of some resident foreigners (names withheld temporarily) is fearful.

The GNPC is no different. The dubious means, by unscrupulous persons, like some prominent ex-convicts, of rerouting vessel loads of fuel, financed by government and meant for the Ghanaian market, causing major financial loss to the state has gone on for many years unnoticed and yet a biased, skewed and, aversively, repugnant government, that was responsible for “gargantuan” theft, as described by the citizen vigilante Dr. Martin Amidu, in many forms such as judgment debts of bewildering magnitudes, was responsible for the compilation of huge and unprecedented National debt on our nation to a whopping $38 Billion US Dollars.

However, this courteous and forgiving Nation, has woken up from the hypnosis of despicable politicians to say “enough is enough” and it is making its voice heard in the most democratic and peaceful manner ever experienced in Africa, at all.

The rhythmic statement, as usually pronounced in our local parlance, of “fa ma nyame”, “leave it to GOD”, beats no more, for it is the hearts of fed up Ghanaians that are beating their own drums; they are drumming awareness, alertness and steadfastness in a Ghanaian-styled vigilante attitude to ward off parasitic characters and punish those found culpable. Oh and one more thing John, your period of immunity from prosecution is only three years, please remember that, then your atrocities will be questioned, especially that your Counsel and cohorts have been indicted in CLS, i.e. “create, loot and share” of the resources of the poor people of Ghana. That is not to say that you are involved in all, albeit most, but a leader would have to bear the brunt of blunders committed by his officers and so shall it be when you face the wrath of the over 20 million disenfranchised Ghanaians.

From whence blasphemy is rooted in your conceitedness, you may never reign, not over Ghanaians you won’t, and soon it will be evident, so do not blaspheme. The more you do so the more you open up to mockery, ridicule and, worst of all, DIVINE CURSE.

By the way, what have you done about Gabby Asuning, who publicly invited civil war in the event that Nana Akufo-Addo is declared President? I can guess…Nothing! Was that not treason? Surely, first class treason, it is.

GOD does not ordain wrong; HE neither miscalculates nor misfires but your attitude insinuates such, WHAT ARE YOU DOING???

A word to the wise is enough…but are you wise?

By: Citizen Fadi