Opinions of Monday, 14 November 2022

Columnist: Atisu Delanyo

Why money does not like noise

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Money don't like noise a profound quote by his excellency president Nana Akufo Addo dankwa indeed out of any imaginary comprehension what could be the practical or scientific evidence to this?

In my quest to understand this qoutes without proliferation of politics, are there any correlation between money and noise my findings baffled me and I believe this is worth the time of pen and paper its necessary for the minds that cherish sustainability of wealth.

Let do some definitions first, money and currency is not the same for the purpose of this resource in economics money and currency often used interchangeably which could mean this same but since we are dealing with a quote that has an infinite attributes 'noise' then we cannot relates money to currency. If money don't like noise then noise is a dangerous evil fellow to money!(this statement is undefined¹) so what is noise? How does noise repels money? Noise is a loud sound that may be pleasant or unpleasant wanted or unwanted depending on where one is on the side of the noise been made, for example if I'm dancing to a loud music in a party to me it's another music I am enjoying, to my neighbours who are not at the party it's another noise, so the same sound(noise) having different meaning and implications in other words noise itself is not a dangerous or evil fellow ( statement ¹ defined) now we have established there is no evil or anything dangerous about noise.

Money is undefined depending on who you ask the answer you will get, for example if I ask a banker he will tell me money is an asset, if I ask a doctor he will say money save life, if I ask politicians he will say money is power, if I ask motivational speakers he will say money is wisdom/knowledge, if I ask a teacher he will say money is education study to make money, if I ask the rich man he will of course say money is wealth, if I ask the poor he will say money is the root to all evil!, so what is money exactly?

so far we can decipher that noise is not evil or detrimental to money, to make noise or not is only a definity of purpose which has nothing to do with money and money is undefined.regardless from a broader view everyone need money it's substantial part of living, money is a medium of exchange the ability to buy,trade for goods and services this is true when all economic indicators remains favourable and good but when inflation is on the rise the ability to buy or exchange for goods or trade becomes a nightmare, there is no much relationship between money and noise, to make noise doesn't determine how rich or how poor someone will get.

Having discussed this topic from a economics-scientific perspective, we live in a very characterize society where everyone is entitled to his or her opinions which I respect, in other words from a social perspective "money don't like noise is very true" and it's proven by the observation of the rich lifestyle. The rich talk less, avoid arguments, they easily let go off grudges, and instead making noise about their failures or hardship they simply find solutions and move forwards.

But the poor make noise about everything, anything, they make noise about their mistakes blaming this or that.

To conclude, making noise doesn't determine how rich or how poor someone will get, from economics-scientific perspective noise made constructively can be very beneficial and profitable for example making sales noise or adverts as our market woman do at the market.