Opinions of Friday, 26 July 2024

Columnist: Fiifi Ofori

Witchcamps in Ghana

A witch camp A witch camp

Professor Jane Naana Opoku-Agyeman for Vice President, MASHALLAH!
To the Future; Generations yet unborn, our present, immediate past, and our history.

“To be, or not to be, that is the question.” A question posed by Hamlet the Prince in his Soliloquy (when he was by himself) in Act 3, Scene 1 of William Shakespeare’s book of the same title HAMLET. Hamlet has been adapted on many screens and dramatically portrayed as plays on many stages across the world in many different languages for the important lessons it teaches readers and audiences.

Who is a witch in Ghana? A question like Hamlet’s dramatic monologue as previously stated above.

Fellow Ghanaians, one of the biggest tragedies in modern Ghana is the issue of witches and witch camps. How we as a people sat idly by and aloof while grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and daughters were and are abused for such a long time is rather unfortunate.

These families need the loudest apologies and restitution from our government. After all every community in Ghana is under the government of our dear Republic.

In fact, this writer considers it one of the biggest tragedies in African and Ghanaian history, especially, with recent awareness that similar scenarios are occurring in places like Kenya and other African countries. A tragedy akin to slavery, both Intra-African Slavery and Trans-Atlantic Slavery where again some of our ancestors would round up other Africans or at worst lead foreigners to go kidnap other people to be sold as labor.
As a person with more than 5 sisters, it just baffles me how such nonsense could be countenanced for this long without serious repercussions for those involved. ‘I JUST CAN’T FAR’

In addition, this writer just ‘can’t think far,’ the president, H.E Akufo-Addo’s refusal to sign the witchcraft bill intended to disband all the prisons and penitentiaries and liberate peoples’ grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and daughters who have been subjected and are still being subjected to such abuse.

However, there is a silver lining in the president’s decision not to disband the witchcamp prisons. It has exposed for us all the dishonesty in the so-called human rights advocates here in Ghana and their allies abroad.
The dishonesty of the parliamentarians, those in the judiciary, the executive, and civil societies. Groups like the CDD, Amnesty International, Ghana, and the fraudulent ‘Association of Learned Professors and Academics’ counted Lawyer Akoto-Ampaw of blessed memory as its spokesperson.

These are the same groups and individuals who were all over the place when the issue was LGBT in Ghana, quoting from manuscripts and encyclopedias, the kind some of us nerds had never once heard of.
We thank our dear president, H.E Nana Akufo-Addo for exposing all of them as Frauds and Greedy people who like the biblical Judas Iscariot would sell their country for less than 30 pieces of silver.
In Honor of our alma maters; Akosombo International School (AIS), PRESEC-LEGON, and Commonwealth Hall (Vandal-City).

“What Is To Give Light Must Endure Burning.” Viktor Frankl
God Bless Our Land Ghana. We Fear No One, GYE-NYAME! Selah.
